有F1 跑过Nurburgring北环吗?

2025-03-21 10:50:23

纽博格林北环以前的F1比赛是在那比那也就是20世纪5,60年代   可是后来因为距离太长  危险性太大   后来改到南面的一个赛车场里了   现在一般高性能跑车出厂后试车都在纽博格林北环   因为高低落差大   组合弯多  直道也够长   并且有可能赛道一边下雨一边是干的   所以能综合的考察赛车的性能   而南面的相对于比较短的赛车场就一般用于各种赛事的举办了   近几十年来F1都是在南面跑的    下图就是现在F1举办地  纽博格林南环路赛车场


有,宝马索伯F1,海费尔德开 。,,,,,真的是啊,F1.06跑北环纽博格林,我在优酷上看过视频,(1个月前吧)可是我现在找不到了 .楼上wddufo都说的很清楚了。


你说的是Nordschleife吧,有啊,很多……因为最早F1就是在Nordschleife上跑的,不过那时的速度很慢,给你一个例子Phil Hill 在1961年的German Grand Prix上驾驶Ferrari 156 跑出过8分55.2秒(153.4 km/h)是第一个跑进9分钟的人~

帮你找了下 wiki上都有。。。
[edit] F1
On 28 April 2007, Nick Heidfeld drove a BMW Sauber F1.06 Formula One car around the Nordschleife, on a BMW publicity day in combination with a VLN 4h endurance race.[75] For safety reasons, BMW announced that the car was slowed with hard demonstration tires, maximum ride height, and 275 km/h top speed limited by the transmission. Heidfeld drove three laps on the combined Nordschleife and short GP-track, as used in VLN races, with a track length of 24.433 km (so comparison with older records is difficult).

The official lap time released by BMW Sauber was declared to be 8:34 (thus ca. 30 seconds slower than the fastest Porsche 996 turbo in VLN). The German press duly reported this lap time, yet criticized BMW. In each lap, Heidfeld slowed down once to pose for a slow video truck, at Schwedenkreuz on the first lap 1, Kesselchen in lap 2, and Döttinger Höhe in the last lap. The two time spans in between the three passes of Heidfeld were clocked by some fans around the track, first Wehrseifen to Wehrseifen in about 7:28, then 7:22 from Klostertal to Klostertal, which is over 50 seconds quicker than the fastest current Porsche 997 GT3 RSR in VLN. This translates to an average of about 200 km/h (120 mph), similar to Bellof's record, but considering the slow GP section, Heidfeld probably was faster on the Nordschleife, close to 6 minutes. Fans who respect the official record of the late Stefan Bellof settle for an "estimated 6:12".

Road & Track magazine reported Heidfeld's lap was a 5:57 or 5:58 (for the Nordschleife only), breaking the track's six-minute barrier for the first time in history.[76] However, their times were done by measuring the speed in some corners, and then calculating a lap time, and not timing a full lap. Heidfeld has since expressed his desire to repeat the experience with less restriction.

According to formula one F1 Racing magazine of June 2006, BMW engineers had estimated that a BMW-Sauber F1.06 could lap in under 5:15.8[77] which equals to an average of 237 km/h (147 mph).

[edit] Motorcycles




北环 开一分钟的车

应该叫做 第四空间乾坤大挪移车~


那个是南环成绩 纽北一分多钟那真是神车