1. Journal of mammary gland biology and neoplasia
ISSN:1083-3021 (Print); ISSN:1573-7039 (Electronic); ISSN:1083-3021 (Linking);
United States : New York, NY
领域: 乳房、乳腺肿瘤、动物乳腺增生病、动物乳腺肿瘤
2. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
ISSN:0035-8711 (Print); ISSN:0035-8711 (Linking);
England : London
领域: 生育、遗传工程、分子生物学、转基因植物
3. Obstetrics and gynecology
ISSN:0029-7844 (Print); ISSN:1873-233X (Electronic); ISSN:0029-7844 (Linking);
United States : Hagerstown, MD
领域: 妇产科学、产科学
4. Nature reviews. Urology
ISSN:1759-4812 (Print); ISSN:1759-4820 (Electronic); ISSN:1759-4812 (Linking);
England : London
领域: 女性泌尿生殖系统疾病、男性泌尿生殖系统疾病、泌尿系统疾病
5. Seminars in fetal & neonatal medicine
ISSN:1744-165X (Print); ISSN:1878-0946 (Electronic); ISSN:1744-165X (Linking);
Netherlands : Amsterdam
领域: 胎儿疾病、婴儿护理、新生儿疾病
6. Gynecologic oncology
ISSN:0090-8258 (Print); ISSN:1095-6859 (Electronic); ISSN:0090-8258 (Linking);
United States : New York
领域: 女性生殖系统肿瘤
7. Seminars in reproductive medicine
ISSN:1526-8004 (Print); ISSN:1526-4564 (Electronic); ISSN:1526-4564 (Linking);
United States : New York, NY
领域: 生殖医学
8. Fertility and sterility
ISSN:0015-0282 (Print); ISSN:1556-5653 (Electronic); ISSN:0015-0282 (Linking);
United States : New York. NY
领域: 生育、不孕
9. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology
ISSN:0002-9378 (Print); ISSN:1097-6868 (Electronic); ISSN:0002-9378 (Linking);
United States : New York
领域: 妇产科学、产科学
10. BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology
ISSN:1470-0328 (Print); ISSN:1471-0528 (Electronic); ISSN:1470-0328 (Linking);
England : Oxford
领域: 产科学、妊娠并发症
11. Reproduction (Cambridge, England)
ISSN:1470-1626 (Print); ISSN:1741-7899 (Electronic); ISSN:1470-1626 (Linking);
England : Bristol, UK
领域: 生育、生殖医学
12. Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition
ISSN:1359-2998 (Print); ISSN:1468-2052 (Electronic); ISSN:1359-2998 (Linking);
England : London
领域: 胎儿疾病、新生儿疾病
13. Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology : the official journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology
ISSN:0960-7692 (Print); ISSN:1469-0705 (Electronic); ISSN:0960-7692 (Linking);
England : Chichester, West Sussex, UK
领域: 女性生殖系统疾病、产前超声检查
14. Seminars in perinatology
ISSN:0146-0005 (Print); ISSN:1558-075X (Electronic); ISSN:0146-0005 (Linking);
United States : Philadelphia, PA
领域: 围产期