
2024-11-27 22:36:54

The short poem directs which from above may see, the poet often describes a profound truth through a simple event, this truth possible related life, society or nature.
I thought in the forest two roads may think represents two life paths. People when choice life path, not necessarily sees the different road to have the obvious difference, not necessarily has the enough reason to decide which road chooses. Accidental cannot mention how many truths the situation is some. Once had designated after, a nature road then road walks, wants again to turn head another road, is not easy. 因为是在线翻译 可能会有所不对 自己加以修改吧


The short poem directs which from above may see, the poet oftendescribes a profound truth through a simple event, this truth possiblerelated life, society or nature.
I thought in the forest two roads may think represents two livespaths. People when choice life path, certainly not necessarily seesthe different road to have the obvious difference, certainly notnecessarily has the enough reason to decide which road chooses.Accidental cannot mention how many truths the situation is some. Oncehad designated after, a nature Lu Jiezhuo a road goes down, wantsagain to turn head another road, is not easy.


Wing & Run Translation Studio presents:

From the above quoted poem, we can see that by depicting a simple incident the poet preaches a profound principle, which may refer to life, society and nature.

In my opinion, the two roads in the forest can be regarded as two ways of life. When people select one way of life, we can not make out that different roads have their own sharp distinction and that the selected road is supported by sufficient reasons. There are always the occasional cases that no reasonable explanation can be reached in the process. Once selected, the road is naturally followed by another road leading to its destination, by the time of which people feel uneasy to take another back road.


from the short poem above, we can see that the poet is trying to illustrate a profound message by a simply described incident. The message he give us may be about our life, society or nature.
In my opinion, the two roads in the forest stand for the two different roads in our real life. The differeces are not obvious when the people are deciding which road to take. What's more, they may haven't enough reason to infulence their choices. Once they make the decision, they have to go on without regret. It would be impossible, to some extent, for them to get back and take another road.


The short poem directs which from above may see, the poet often describes a profound truth through a simple event, this truth possible related life, society or nature.
I thought in the forest two roads may think represents two life paths. People when choice life path, not necessarily sees the different road to have the obvious difference, not necessarily has the enough reason to decide which road chooses. Accidental cannot mention how many truths the situation is some. Once had designated after, a nature road then road walks, wants again to turn head another road, is not easy.


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