用英语介绍一个职业:The host refers to an individual who has the ability to collect, edit, broadcast, control and other businesses and works in a relatively fixed program, integrating editors, journalists and broadcasters.
In radio or television, a person who appears to host a fixed program for the audience is called a program host. A fixed program hosted by a fixed real person for the audience or audience is called a host program.
one trained and licensed to prepare, manage, and either prosecute or defend a court action as an agent for another and who also gives advice on legal matters that may or may not require court action.
The lawyer applies the law to specific cases. He investigates the facts and the evidence by conferring with his client and reviewing documents, and he prepares and files the pleadings in court. At the trial he introduces evidence, interrogates witnesses, and argues questions of law and fact. If he does not win the case, he may seek a new trial or relief in an appellate court.
In many instances, the lawyer can bring about the settlement of a case without trial through negotiation, reconciliation, and compromise. In addition, the law gives individuals the power to arrange and determine their legal rights in many matters and in various ways, as through wills, contracts, or corporate bylaws, and the lawyer aids in many of these arrangements. During the 20th century a rapidly developing field of work for lawyers has been the representation of clients before administrative committees and courts and before legislative committees.
A lawyer has several loyalties in his work. They include that to his client, to the administration of justice, to the community, to his associates in practice, and to himself. When these loyalties conflict, the standards of the profession are intended to effect a reconciliation.
Legal practice varies from country to country. In England lawyers are divided into barristers, who plead in the higher courts, and solicitors, who do office work and plead in the lower courts. In the United States attorneys often specialize in limited areas of law such as criminal, divorce, corporate, probate, or personal injury, though many are involved in general practice.
ally alive; we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them; their experi