
2025-03-17 07:31:06

下面是北京新航道雅思专题小编为同学们整理的备考写作相关内容,希望能够与大家共同学习提高。 雅思写作经典范文向来就是广大中国考生备考雅思的一个重要材料,因为雅思写作经典范围之所以能够获得高分,往往在结构、句型/词汇搭配上都有很多可取之处,下面就是新航道雅思培训为您整理的雅思写作范文:在发展中国家发展旅游业的利弊。 Many developing countries are currently expanding their tourist industries. Why is the case? Is it a positive development? 当前,人们对发展中国家大力发展旅游业的原因以及这是否有利展开了热烈的讨论。在我看来,我确信它是积极的发展。在这篇文章中,我将在以下段落对其原因进行分析。 Currently, there is a hot discussion about the reasons why there are developing countries in growing number expanding tourist industries and whether it is a positive development or not. As far as I am concerned, I am convinced that it is a positive development. In this essay, I will make an analysis of the reasons in the following paragraphs. 首要的原因是,旅游业是很多发展中国家财政收入的主要来源,财政上对这些国家的经济发展很有利。例如,中国需要大量的外汇来执行现代化建设计划。旅游业是获得外汇的最重要的渠道之一。此外,旅游业能促进餐饮业和交通运输业的发展。另外,旅游业还对国民收入和税收做出不可或缺的贡献。 The first and foremost reason is that, tourism, which becomes the principal source of financial revenue in many developing countries, is financially beneficial to the economic development. For instance, China needs an increasing amount of foreign currencies for its modernization drive. Tourism is one of the most crucial channels to obtain such currencies. Furthermore, tourism facilitates the development of the catering business and transportation service as well. Additionally, tourist industries make primary contribution to the national income and tax revenue. 其次,旅游业给旅游胜地的居民提供了更多的就业机会,这在某种程度上消除了一些社会问题。甚至是一些没有接受过教育的人也能靠卖纪念品或当地特产等谋生,这种想象在旅游景点相当平常,这减轻了当地政府的压力。 In the second place, tourism provides local habitants in tourist attractions with more opportunities of employment, which has eliminated some social problems to some extent. In the scenic spots, it is common that even the uneducated people can make a living simply by selling souvenirs, local specialties and so on, which relieves the pressure of local government. 最后,旅游业极大地增进了各个国家以及人民之间的友谊和相互了解,这毫无疑问将促进各国间今后在国际事务中的合作。旅游业给人们提供了一个更好的了解国外文化、历史以及习俗的机会。 Last but not least, it is true that tourism contributes a great deal to the friendship and mutual understanding between people from different countries, which will unquestionably enhance the future cooperation in international affairs. Tourism provides people with a good opportunity to have a better understanding of the culture, history and customs in foreign countries. 总之,发展中国家发展旅游业有相当大的益处,因为它不仅在经济的发展,同时也会在政治发展方面起到积极的作用。 All in all, it is of great benefit for developing countries to promote the tourist industry, for it will play a positive role in both the economic and political development of a country. 本篇雅思写作备考材料就为大家上传完毕了,希望同学们在学习技巧的同时不要将基础备考工作荒废掉。打好基础才能建起高楼。北京新航道预祝大家考试成功! 点击了解更多北京雅思培训信息