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Penetration of the theoretical calculation
33.333333D effectiveness analysis is the use of the following core analysis porosity,ghd prezzi, grain size values, calculated by the model membrane permeability and core permeability analysis comparison of the gas permeability. Which were collected from 2.2 and 2.5 m, with a particle size in value than the estimated surface, B = 6 (1 a POR) /. Results agree quite well, the correlation coefficient of 0.944 or more. Effectiveness is relatively porous. And fluid viscosity, wettability of the rock and the pressure. Rock samples are generally less clay content, excluding laminated shale sandstone. Under laboratory conditions, the use of the viscosity of the fluid is small, wet gas is also small, scattered on the mud in the median particle size is reflected. Affected the surface area the size of the increase of flow pressure, reducing the rock permeability, but does not directly affect the validity of the pore. This is without considering the impact of muddy situation, comparing the results remain consistent with good root causes. So that, not too thick in the lithology, porosity of the laminated shale excluding the impact of film-shaped pore model is still valid in the case. Use of natural gamma values ??or estimates of particle size in surface area, (14) can be used to calculate the actual penetration rate of logging data. When the coarse-grained on the one hand because the reasons for the hydrodynamic environment,mbt scarpe opinioni, the need to remove the structure on the porosity of clay. On the other hand,ghd piastre, the film-shaped porous side of the model area can not be ignored, can also change the pore shape of the model, re-calculate the characteristics of permeability K, while values ??become smaller, and then using (5) calculation of permeability. * Non-statutory units of measurement, 1D a 9.769tsm Volume 24 - No. 3 Jia Wenyu other: penetration theory calculation 219v = 06979x-l5452. / / An R2 = 08919l / / f / /. ,, II '. ● ● a l. ': Mine l020040060080010001214o0 calculate permeability / × lO soap Bao Bei] × egg frog tadpole Quebec v = l039lj-113l5 [a. 08915IllfiI ● / J ● J a 1rjf. /. . . 'L twenty-one lr acridine l01o02o03004o05006007008o0qo0 calculate permeability / × 10 [afffl2 Field 3 calculated permeability and gas permeability Ku comparison chart (m-2.2) 4 ring gas port through the calculation of penetration rates compared with the field (m = 2. 5) Conclusion l_ rock mud and other impurities with conductivity, can be proved, it will reduce the value of n in Archie's equation and the value (this is omitted), but the fluid flow but does not work, so and permeability values ??to the formula in the Big Bieerqi porosity index of the region generally take 2.2, but the contrast can be seen that, when calculating penetration rate of 2.5 is appropriate. 2. With a median particle size than the surface estimate was based on an ideal situation. Did not consider clay content,moncler outlet, sorting good and bad, rounded degree, cement content and cement type and composition, compaction degree of deterioration factors. However, the estimated penetration rate is still relatively consistent, this may be offset by the impact of various factors results. This practice will be a favorable condition. 3. As can be seen from the comparison chart, ultra-high permeability larger error may be high for the coarse-grained sandstone L seepage flow model and the modified L-gap model, derived features of the corresponding permeability expression. In short, to obtain more accurate than the surface, apply the value of the pore model and accurate calculation of permeability is the key. This is only initiate and look forward to clever peers pointing. (Revised Received date: 2000 an O2-12 Series Gao Wen bats KBA good), CcJ chu c12SYZTCJ amount of hope and 43DPll haze fell to Serbian villa met privately run, although technical appraisal by the Xi'an Petroleum Exploration Instrument Factory truck factory bear SYZTCJ cars and 43DPll without logging tools Barrel perforator on May 12, 2000 passed by the Shaanxi -----,--- ● ------ ● ,fake oakley sunglasses,------ province Economic and Trade Commission, Shaanxi Automobile Industry Management Association's technical appraisal; to participate in appraisal of more than 20 units of more than 40 experts and representatives. Identified that: SYZTCJ logging equipment car models passed away choice is reasonable, appropriate vehicle design layout, high technology in the country a leader, to fill the direct-drive hydraulic logging winch 5000m blank, already finalized production conditions can be put into production ~ 43DPll No Barrel perforator of the technical indicators have reached the original design requirements, product performance to meet product design requirements, well reach the level of similar products abroad; (South led total feed) (iv) (iv) (iv) (ix). (Iv) (iv) (iv) coral. E_c1H × Juehuizhaowa