Part I Listening Comprehension
Section A 1. days 2. By the full name 3. The short holidays 4. meet 5. arrangeSection
Section B 6. while7. am completing 8. which 9. once 10. Open the window
Section C 11.Two 12.same area 13.often check 14.heart
Part II Vocabulary and Structure
Section A
16. how 17. what'18. on arriving at the?? 19at the meeting. 20. the human resources 21. Jack said22. I have a work 23. more than half 24 working in 25. Team bulidiy
Section B
26. quickly 27. less 28. interesting 29. lost30. performance 31. is equipped 32. writing33. have become 34. wonderful 35. were / wasPart III Reading Comprehension
Part III Reading Comprehension
Task 1 36. want to be employed by German companies 37. Offering different language courses. 38. language training centers 39. English40. encourage people to learn more foreign languages
Task 2 41. by offering excellent services on board42for 6 months. 43. before receiving the Permanent Card 44. within 3 weeks of their first flight45. before receiving the Permanent Card
Task 3 46. activities 47. iMOVE has48. wide range49. weeks of their50. Student Advising Office
Task 4 51. O, F 52. I, L 53. G, B 54. D, C 55. E, A
Task 5 56. account 57. free 58. 12 (languages) 59. close 60. (continue to) use / log in to
Part IV Translation --- English intoChinese
65:所有的科技展都是这样子的,都会在一个很宽广的房间里展开,面对小学生等都是不收钱的,是由老师组织 起来一起去参观的,特别是暑假的时候,人会很多,而且会看到很多小孩子在老师的带领下参观学习。
Part V Writing
1 be sent
2 unwilling
3 truth
4 to write
5 angrily
6 moves
7 terrified
8 criminal 9 had arrived
10 shaping
1 survivors
2 concerning
3 were destroyed
4 to go
5 had not heard
6 (should)be checked
7 spacious
8 less
9 Regardless
10 differently
1: B (better organizide our activities)
2: C (study efficiently )
3: B (Any activities we're eager to do)
4 B (Taking a short nap in the afternoon)
5 A (Study Habits and time Management)
1:(start a new small business) B
2:(determination and originality) D
3:(advise beforehand ) C
4:(those with fewer than 50 employees) A
5:(linking to other relevant articles)
B 阅读理解
2:were interviewed
6: responsibility
8:to acceept
9:quickly 填空
1:现金价格 E ( Cash price)
2: 销售合同 D (sales contract)
3:到达港 J (port of arrival)
4:供货合同 A(supply agreement)
5:逾期付款 H(Late payment)
6:索赔通知 P(notice of claim)
7:贸易协定 B(Trade agreement)
8:信用证 M(letter of credit)
9:固定价格 G(Fixed price)
10:即期装运 K(Prompt shipment)
翻译 (选择正确答案)
3: ACD
范例:题目:对电子辞典进行产品介绍 假如你是某公司的产品推销员,请用英语完成下面的产品介绍: 1.产品名称:INSTANT-DICT 2.产地:中国香港 3.厂家:Hongyun Company Ltd. 4.产品特点:电子辞典,储存有一百万英语单词和短语.采用该公司20年的研究成果,由高级电脑科技控制,用轻金属制成,体小,携带方便,操作简单,价格合理. 注意:词数100左右. One possible version: INSTANT-DICT is an e-dictionary made in Hong Kong, China. It is the latest product of Hongyun Company Ltd. with a large vocabulary of I million words and phrases stored in it. So you can look up any word you meet in your Senior period. INSTANT-DICT is controlled by advanced computer technology which is also the latest technical result of the company's 20-year research. The body
,to have missed
2,can they expect
4,those5,now that
6,were working
8,will have perpared
9,was required
二,词性转化(去年例题:Nowadays, electronic(pay) ________ is a more convenient way to pay for purchases than cash and checks. )
1,work---has worked
3,complete---will be completed
5,take---had taken
6,impress---were impressed
1,to have your car serviced at the serveice station
2,Mileage(里程碑) figures
3,It is money-saving and easy to learn
4,they become worn out
5,ALL kinds of spanners(扳手)
6,frequent passengers
7,get free tickets
8,pay for their flighe at least once within twenty months
9,I vory is the starting membership level
10,Introduction to Flying Blue
1,olvera street ,the (birth place) of Los Angeles
2,the oldest (church) in the city
3,Mann's (chinese Theatre)
4,cement (hand and foot ) prints of the Hollywood great people
5,Beverly Hills and (Rodeo prive)
单价:unit price
合同号:contract No
运输方式:Mode of transport
商品编码:Code of goods
买方:Buyer总值:Total value
发证日期:License date 六,根据文章的提问,从文章内容中找出答案回答问题,部分题目给出,()内为答案
1,A worker (fell) from a water tower
2, He was (24 years old)
3, He (was painting ) the inside of the tower
4, He did not wear (fall protection equipment)
5, Employees should be instructed to avoid (unsafe conditions)
2,在你们订购 .......产品的说明
八,作文 重点词汇(作文中要用到的词汇):
1,关系,关心 concern
2,相当的,非常的 considerably
3,由于,因为 due to
4,不景气的市场 weak market
5,总的趋势 general trend
6,周期,期间 period
7,向上的,上升的 upward
8,情况与建设 situation and suggestions
9,销售增加 sales up
重点巨型: (作文)
1, I am writing this letter to thank you for ......
2, certain to help increase our future cooperation
3, The cost of raw materials has moved up greatly.....
4, labor cost
5, to readjust prices
6, price list
7, welcome to order our products
这个我也不知道对不对 诶 也是找了好久得 大家来讨论讨论啊···
1. days
2. By the full name
3. The shortholidays
4. meet
5. arrangeSection B ( 每题 1 分 )
6. while
7. am completing
8. which
9. once
10. Open thewindow
12.same area
13.often check
15.insurancePart IIStructure
16. how
17. what'
18. on arriving at the??
19at the meeting.
20. the human resources
21. Jacksaid
22. I have a work
23. more than half
24 working in
25. TeambulidiySection
26. quickly
27. less
28. interesting
29. lost
30. performance equipped
32. writing
33. have become
34. wonderful
35. were / wasPart IIIReading ComprehensionTask 1 ( 每题 2 分 )
36. want tobe employed by German companies
37.Offering different language courses.
38. language training centers
40. encourage people to learn more foreign languagesTask 2 ( 每题 2 分 )
41. by offering excellent services on board
42for 6 months.
43.before receiving the Permanent Card
44. within 3 weeks of their first flight
45.before receiving the Permanent Card
46. activities
47. iMOVE has
48. widerange
49. weeks of their
50. Student Advising OfficeTask 4 ( 每题 1 分 )
51. O, F
52. I, L
53. G, B
54. D, C
55. E, A
56. account
57. free
58. 12 (languages)
59. close
60. (continue to) use / log in toPart IVTranslation --- English intoChinese
61 ,如果你当天去,当天回来那么我们还可以去聚会
62 ,请不要在这里吸烟,因为有很多小孩子
63 :你的电脑里有我的邮件的,在那个 F 开头的文件夹里
64 :鸡蛋是从 0.8 元涨到 1 元的
65: 所有的科技展都是这样子的,都会在一个很宽广的房间里展开,面对小学生等都是不收钱的,是由老师组织起来一起去参观的,特别是暑假的时候,人会很多,而且会看到很多小孩子在老师的带领下参观学习。
作文:如果你捡到了别人的钱包,你想写一个海报来寻找给失主 地点:汽车站 时间 2011 年 10 月 8 号 描述:黑色的钱包一个,里面有一张身份证,银行卡 2 张,现金若干
哥们 百度确实牛 但是不是神啊,,这个答案神马的 都浮云啊 像哥一直向往着 生是中国人,死是中国魂。要我学英语,那是不可能,,, 当然虽然我没有答案 但是献上祝福一份 希望你能顺利过关啊 哈哈~ 望采纳丫