Four years is not a long time, nor a short time for me to open my eyes and visualize what this dragon country looks like. It is two years since I came to China with a curiosity in my mind and desire in my soul to acknowledge whatever I could about this native country of mine. With a month more to go, it seems to me that every second during the stay at this Southern China is like the sands of time running out and revealing secret by secret of its people, its culture, its language and its tradition.
The first time I arrived at GuangZhou East Station directly from HK, I was struck by the restlessness and disorder of the people rushing in and out, carrying packs of luggage and scrambling for a taxi. Yet having observed about me, I felt an undefinable safety. everyone around me was just like myself, an ordinary Chinese; fear, doubt, and worry for my being a stranger here all at once vanished.Yes, I felt safe and secure with my surroundings; no more curious eyes staring at me like I was some kind of alien from other planet; no more abusive languages or mockery that used to be aimed at me whenever I was strolling along the streets. on this very earth of China, I found the safety which I could never find in other places.
When I come to the topic of Chinese people, I don't think there is requirement for me any more to mention to you in details what Chinese people really look like, for I am also a Chinese. I have known many Chinese here and made some of them my best friends. Once I was invited to stay at a friend's house in her hometown, I was amazed by the friendliness of every relative and friend of hers. I was treated as if I were one of their families. Despite their simplicity, they take care of their guests in every detail. This arouses my admiration toward the hospitality of Chinese people and I can't stop comparing this with the reserved and cold neighbourhood in my hometown. When I left , I found I missed the friendliness and warmth of those people.
"What? You plan to study in China? Are you kidding? Isn't China an underdeveloped country?" These sentences appeared on the screen of the computer when I chatted via internet with my friends. I was enraged with their blindness. What right do they have in saying so, since they have not seen the fact themselves? Fact reveals to you everything. My only reply to them was that I was blessed for having come to China and that I don't regret at all for my decision. In my eyes, China is a very big developing country; technically designed buildings and suspension bridges are constructed in every corner of the streets; skyscrapers seem to split up the sky, symbolizing the trading centre of the city; vehicle of all sorts, including bicycles of all types, are seen dispersed over the traffic; people wearing sophisticated clothes are holding the mobile phones strolling to their offices. Anyway, all this is evidence that shows apparently to us one thing only. Those moving creatures are now moving to one target, that is modernization and development, which is now coloring this big country.
There is no word more appropriate than amazing to describe the history and culture of China. Never have I lacked the interest in reading A DREAM OF RED MANSION,THE SCHOLARS,A JOURNEY TO THE WEST, THREE KINGDOM, and many others which have been translated into many languages all over the world, including my mother tongue, Indonesian. If you ask me whether I find it difficult or not learning the history of China, I will say that it is like digging into the boundless earth; even if you have reached the bottom, you are still forced to dig deeper and deeper until the utmost foundation.