Than the mentioned above en route to Saudi Arabia
Written on the day of …2007
Sworn to before me on the day of.. 2007
Notary or C.C.P.I.T. signature of vessels
Seal and signature of agent,owner,captain or CO.
Note:this certificate is not required if shipment is effected thru N.S.C.S.A/U.A.S.C
5.For shipment on vessel of 500 gross tonnage and above,a DOC issued by the ves
el’s owner,agent or Co. stating:“as required by the 1974 SOLAS convention as amended,the vessel owner or operator is holding a curren DOC of compliance and that the vessel was issued a safety management certificate stating that the vessel’s owner and shipboard management operate as per the ISM code.” If the vessel is below 500 gross tonnage,a DOC issued by the vessel’s owner, agent or Co. stating:“the vessel is below 500 gross tonnage.”
船运500毛重以上,船公司或其代理公司出具单据上需表明“as required by the 1974 SOLAS convention as amended,the vessel owner or operator is holding a curren DOC of compliance and that the vessel was issued a safety management certificate stating that the vessel’s owner and shipboard management operate as per the ISM code”
船运500毛重以下,船公司或其代理公司出具单据上需表明:“the vessel is below 500 gross tonnage.”
6.Packing list
7.Certficate of weight
(X) All drafts must contain drawn under this L/C
(X)Documents issued dated prior to the date of issuance of this L/C are not acceptable
(X)Negotiations must be recorded on the original L/C
(X)All documents must bear our L/C No.
(X)Forwarders and house B/Lading/A.W.B is not acceptable unless authorized by us.
(X)Documents negotiated/forwarded for payment by a bank other than our nominated correspondent,shall be at the full risk and responsibility of the negotiating bank and any future claim of charges or lien by the correspondents will be the sole responsibility of negotiating bank unless supported with a release letter issued by the first advising bank.
(X)All charges outside Saudi Arabia including reimbursement bank commission on beneficiary’s account
(X)Original set of DOCTS must be sent tu us by DHL/UPS courier services on the day of negotiation,on BENEF account and duplicate by airmail at our following address: