摘 要:随着计算机网络技术的飞速发展,尤其是互联网的应用变得越来越广泛,在带来了前所未有的海量信息的同时,网络的开放性和自由性也产生了私有信息和数据被破坏或侵犯的可能性,网络信息的安全性变得日益重要起来,已被信息社会的各个领域所重视。本文对目前计算机网络存在的安全隐患进行了分析,并探讨了针对计算机安全隐患的防范策略。
Abstract:With the computer network the rapid development of technology, particularly the use of the Internet has become increasingly widespread, brought in an unprecedented mass of information at the same time, the network of openness and freedom of private ownership has also produced information and data have been damaged or Violations of the possibility of network information security has become increasingly important, has been the information society in various fields by the attention. In this paper, the present computer network security risks were analyzed, and to explore the hidden danger for computer security precautions strategy.
Key words: computer;computer network;network security