多伦多和温哥华比, 被美国同化的更加严重. 3大城市最讨厌多伦多,但是想赚钱想发展还是要去. 蒙特利尔比较喜欢,但是太旧. 温哥华风景这边独好, 非常适合安居. 只是过于浓重的亚洲色彩有时候会带来不少负面影响.
安全: 多伦多可能比温哥华略好, 蒙特利尔的安全在大城市中居首位
医疗: 医疗多伦多和温哥华应该差不多, 蒙特利尔医疗更好
消费水平: 多伦多比温哥华要略微便宜, 温哥华的消费水平不低, 蒙特利尔相比之下就低了很多.
读大学的话多伦多附近的大学比较多,选择面更广, 温哥华除了UBC和SFU基本就没有有名大学了.
如果最利于学习指的是学校的知名度高的话,多伦多有University of Toronto(综合排名最靠前), Waterloo(数学和信息工程很强,Bill Gates每年去那里招人), Queen's University(偏文科,华人很少,但是实力不比多伦多大学差), The University of Western Ontario(准确地说这个位于多伦多旁边的城市,叫伦敦,商科在加拿大第一,北美第二,仅次于哈佛), Mcmaster(工程专业有名)等.也就是说,多伦多聚集了大部分加拿大最知名学校.剩下的The University of British Columbia也不错,但不在多伦多.Mcgill在法语区.
如果说需要一个比较适合静心学习的地方,在多伦多的众多学校里面我推荐The University of Western Ontario(实际上是在一个叫London的城市).哈哈,因为我就在这里.这里少了大城市的繁华,但是为学习提供了最佳的环境.学生之间也少了那种攀比,拜金的风气.个人很喜欢这样的环境.或者Waterloo也可以,准确说位于多伦多旁边的城市,城市名就叫Waterloo.相对而言,其他几个城市在多伦多市区,就我所知很多人一放学就往商业区跑,那里是购物狂的天堂.其他几个城市嘛...说实话,我认识的一帮人,高中在温哥华念的,大学全部考来了多伦多,有在University of Toronto的,有在Western的.
I have lived both in Vancouver and Toronto. Your question is a classic debate for every new immigrant.
Greater Vancouver Area (Vancouver and other cities) has a population of 1.2 million and Greater Toronto has 3.8 million.
Toronto is the economic power house for Canada. Without Toronto, Canada is not much better than China. Vancouver at best is a bigger town.
Within 10 hours drive, people from Toronto can go to New York city, Boston, Detroit, Chicago and Montreal. Within 10 hours drive, people from Vancouver can go to one big city, i.e. Seattle.
Vancouver housing is about 20% more expensive than Toronto.
It is not easy to find a job in Canada. Toronto has a better chance. In Vancouver, your best bet is a semi-retirement.
In Vancouver, there must be a casino near you, so if you gamble, be careful. In Toronto, you have to drive about an hour 15 minutes to find a casino.
In Vancouver, 33% are Asians from Hong Kong and Taiwan. In Toronto, about 10%. There are more Chinese from mainland choosing Toronto over Vancouver.
If you are very rich, choose Vancouver. You can fly back to China in 10-12 hours. From Toronto, it takes 16 to 18 hours.
In a nutshell, for independent immigrant who needs a job, it is easier to survive in Toronto.
If Toronto is like Shanghai or Beijing, Vancouver is like Xiamen or Hangzhou.