A new year ,a new start, when I stand on the edge of the a new year, I can't help thinking about my plan of next year.
Just as the old saying:“Well began is the half of the suess.”So I decide that I should be at work while the others are still relaxing ,and then ,at the beginning ,I'm quicker than the others and of course I will get better result than the others.
But ,what I really decide to do is that I must make good of anytime I can spare though it seems impossible. While, I will do my best to live up with what I have planned, and the result will prove it.
关心别人是一种快乐,而被人关心则是一种幸福.我也在我妈妈的关心下幸福地成长著. 妈妈是一位农民,工作非常的紧张,但是在生活和学习上, 她也同样给了我无微不至的照顾. 有一天早上,上学时,天阴沉沉的,妈妈叫我带伞,可我不相信会下雨.于是,我...
校运会拔河比赛 比赛开始了,场面由低潮转向 *** ,同学们的欢呼声,跺脚声融成一片,好不容易挨到了我们班,男同学们马上上阵,站好了,摆好了姿势,成“工”部式,用脚顶着脚,勾住脚;身子住后倾,双手像只铁钳似的,用力抓住大麻绳。等待哨声...
学习写好汉字 汉字是从中国古代一直流传下来的,考古和文献记载说明,汉字起源于仰韶文化时期,大约公元前4000年,公元前2000年开始进入字元积累阶段,商代初期形成相当的文字体系。汉字经过了许多次的演变,才得到今天这样的简体字。而我们作为...
那只小狗,是爸爸回老家时给我捎来的。 小狗的毛毛茸茸的,耳朵时不时地向上翘著,显得格外精神,它那米黄色的毛,远看就像太阳光射在地上,发出灿烂的金光。让人一看,就有一种暖和的感觉。 小狗饿了,我就会拿几块骨头到它面前摇来晃去,小狗...
考试叩响了初一的大门,这一学期即将与我们挥手告别。我不禁问自己:在这一年中,我学到了些什么? 珍惜。珍惜一粒米、一缕阳光、一些时间、一种爱……总之,珍惜我永久拥有的和暂时拥有的一切,包括痛苦。痛苦能让我成熟,痛苦就是蝴蝶突破蛹时的...
深夜的视窗数你的灯光最亮,清晨的路上数你行的最早,三尺讲台上数你最风流。这就是你---------一名光荣的人民教师! 作为一名人民教师,你别无所求,只想把知识传授给可爱的学生,你别无所爱,只想把全部的身心扑到你心爱的事业当中。从青春年...
一个家庭主妇一次准备油炸几条黄鳝鱼作为晚餐上面的一道菜。她将买来的大小几条黄鳝鱼都放到水里,撒上盐巴(可以使鱼将肚子里面的脏物吐出来,鱼被撒盐的淡水泡过以后浑身痉挛,会不断的将肚子里面的东西吐出来)。 过了一会,等这些鱼将肚子里...
There is a boy bad temper, so his father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper when he nailed a nail in the backyard fence. The first day, the boy has nailed 37 nails. Slowly reducing the number of daily nails under nail. He discovered that nails down his temper than nailing e easier.
Finally one day the boy never lost patience tantrums, he told his father about it, his father told him that now whenever he can control his temper when to pull out a nail. Day by day passed, and finally the boy told his father, he finally put all the nails were pulled out.
Father shook his hand came to the backyard, said: You have done well, my boy. But look at the hole in the fence on that, these fences will never be able to revert to the past. When you are angry words like these nail scarring. If you take a knife and stabbed someone else knife, no matter how many times you say sorry, the wound will always be there. Pain discourse as real as the pain unbearable. Tips: often because some could not understand each other's insistence beeen people, causing damage forever. If we can start with ourselves and start to look at fiving others, I believe you will be able to receive a lot of unintended consequences. Someone else to open a window, that is, let yourself see a more plete sky.
Go home
I usually go home by bus, or a motorcycle. But tonight because of money, but I have to walk home.
Because the night, the streets desolate, the light of my shadow, in the morning the beautiful trees into that crooked shadow, plus the atmosphere bees very strange. But I'm not afraid. Because the road and pedestrian. Suddenly a dog run out, I was startled when. A closer look, day! Is my pet dog, how to run here? I picked it up, the heart has a panion, also go a lot faster, imperceptibly returned home.