
2025-03-19 00:05:30

CFM为:立方英尺/分 SCFM为:立方英尺/分; S是标准的意思,所谓的“标准”就是指在标准的温度和压强下。以下是国外网站上的解释:

SCFM is the amount (volume) of air that would happen if your air were at room temperature, and atmospheric pressure (0ft above sea level, 14.7psi).

CFM (cubic feet per minute) is the amount (volume) of air that happens at the specific temperature and pressure.

example: if you have a balloon that happens to be one cubic foot, and you are inside of a very hot, very high pressre room. when you walk out of the hot room, the flow rate is 1CFM, but because it is a balloon, when you take it outside the room it suddenly expands as it adjusts to outside (close to standard) conditions. So your balloon may be 3 or 4 SCFM. The two are interchangable, but when working in an industry that used flow rates heavily, it's much easier to note SCFM, because it has the added bonus of telling you temperature and pressure along with flow rate.


1标准立方英尺/分(SCFM)=0.0283标准立方米/分(Nm3/min)对应换算时也是标准立方米/分 标示前有N cfm 也是流量 与scfm 比较容易混 立方英尺每分钟 是工作条件下的流量 cfm和公制进率关系为 1立方英尺/分(CFM)=0.0283立方米/分(m3).


