比兰努克学院(比兰努克中学)Billanook College
半岛中学The Peninsula School
爱范顿文法学校Alphington Grammar School
卫斯理学校Wesley College
曼通文法学校Mentone Grammar School
西尔本文法学校Westbourne Grammar School
博文中学Balwyn High School
麦金农中学Mckinnon Secondary College
维多利亚艺术中学Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School
格兰威夫利中学Glen Waverley Secondary College
博士山中学Box Hill High School
王子山中学Princes Hill Secondary College
墨尔本女子中学Melbourne Girls’College
威弗利山中学Mount Waverley Secondary College
佛蒙特中学Vermont Secondary College
科中学Kew High School
林伍德中学Ringwood Secondary College
坎伯韦尔中学Camberwell High School
布伦特伍德中学Brentwood Secondary College
斯特摩尔中学Strathmore Secondary College
库能中学Koonung Secondary College
威瑞比中学Werribee Secondary College
威廉斯敦中学Williamstown High School
巴克利公园中学Buckley Park College
威班克中学Viewbank College
东当卡斯特中学East Doncaster Secondary College
富兰克斯顿中学Frankston High School
海威立中学Highvale Secondary College
诺斯考特中学Northcote High School
布莱克本中学Blackburn High School
布兰顿中学Brighton Secondary College
伯雷布鲁克中学Braybrook College
当卡斯特中学Doncaster Secondary College
埃尔伍德中学Elwood College
惠灵顿中学Wellington Secondary College
蒙特利莎中学Mount Eliza Secondary College
帕克戴尔中学Parkdale Secondary College
切尔登汉姆中学Cheltenham Secondary College
瓦特尔纳中学Wantirna College
霍桑中学Hawthorn Secondary College
坦普斯顿中学Templestowe College
艾圣顿凯勒中学Essendon Keilor College