南极地区的最后信的斯科特 这个月•的晚些时候斯科特的最后文学将展览继续走;音频信号:奈杰尔雷诺为斯科特的最后信读•在朝派电影院:斯科特的够信向维持末端,他在他们的仍然战斗英雄—上展示每一个大不列颠人希望的斯多葛哲学向没有自怜但是深担心对于展示他的国家和家庭.昨天从前未被看见的最后信,当他在1912年3月中和从南极后面战斗时,首领罗伯特隼斯科特给他的妻子写信的被公开.他的后裔宣布他们正对剑桥University的斯科特Polar学院给出以及更早期文学它.直到下午她丈夫的躯体被在1913年发现,凯思琳没有收到六-页告别.勘探者表扬他的遗孀与 —再结婚她向第一男爵Kennet,一个劳埃德乔治的为他们的儿子,将来自然主义者爵士彼得斯科特政府— 和向照料的成员九个月大的做什么时候他的父亲动身去南极洲.这个月的晚些时候,根据展示的信是下面完整加印在朝派.向我的遗孀最亲爱的亲爱的?C我们公亩在朝派a非常困难的处境拐弯和我富人怀疑的拉动通过 ?C在朝派我们短路午餐时间我发生作用有利的a非常狭窄部分测量的温暖向写作文学预备性a可能结束 ?C第一存在自然向你右手击球员的左后方场地谁我的认为大部分居住醒来金色睡觉?C相反发生向自我我将去爱好你向知道多少你富人意味着向自我和那愉快回忆录公亩用自我阿斯我动身.我希望你也从这些事实引用什么安慰你罐?C我将不已经遭受任何疼痛但是留下世界新从马具和完整的好健康和体力?C来的这存在已经口授什么时候条款,我们在那里是在容易的另一个火车站距离以内,我们简单停止的结束.因此你一定不要设想一伟大悲剧是—我们当然是非常焦虑和已经是好几个星期但是在壮丽物理状况中和我们胃口补偿所有的不舒服
斯科特的爱心和顽强让人们感动,他的爱国之情和在同不可战胜的厄运中搏斗时变得高尚的心灵也让人钦佩,这些都从他的笔记中表现了出来,人们从中真实地感到斯科特的那些品质和他生前不被人了解的地方。看他的画像,那是一个不苟言笑、严肃、生硬的人。他外表冷酷,是一个典型的英国绅士,没有任何突出的地方,也没有什么凡人没有的气质,总之就是一个普通人。他和很多英国人一样忙着出海,是一名海军军官。由于表现得勤奋,且经验丰富,被任命去南极点考察,他发过誓后,就率着队伍出发了。他的结局是悲惨的,但过程是伟大的。人们从他的笔记中认识了一个全新的斯科特,与过去完全相反。他死了,死后被誉为高尚的人。但是,还有那么一些人,被历史的大海给淹没了。他们分量太重,很快沉入了深海,被沙石埋住,被侵蚀掉,被黑暗包住,永远不会被人们发现。他们生前有种种恶名,或一直是平凡的,没人知道,却在活着时,创造了辉煌的事业,给了人类后,自己就悄悄死了,除了他的成果外,他自己就永远消失了,就如没在地球上生活过,像一阵风一样无影无踪了。在斯科特生死不明时,他被批评为指挥失误。各方面,英国的准备都优于挪威方面,却失败了,斯科特的失误,斯科特使这次计划失败了。发现了斯科特的日记后,人们的看法也就变了,人们甚至希望斯科特能再回来。他离自己的基地仅一天半的路程,但是他还是失败了。但同时,他也是幸运了,他死后,人们会了解他,他被后来的人比作人类的群星。 实际上,在无限黑暗里还有更多的群星,但是人们不知道,人们不了解他们,所以,这些星星也就谁也不知道了。
Scott of the Antarctic's final letter
Scott's last letters will go on show later this month
• Audio: Nigel Reynold reads Scott's last letter
• In pictures: Scott's last letter
To the end, he displayed the stoicism that every Briton hopes for in their heroes — still fighting, showing no self-pity but deeply concerned for his country and family.
The previously unseen final letter that Captain Robert Falcon Scott wrote to his wife as he battled back from the South Pole in March 1912 was made public yesterday. His descendants announced that they were giving it, along with earlier letters, to Cambridge University's Scott Polar Institute.
Kathleen did not receive the six-page farewell until after her husband's body was found in 1913. The explorer commended his widow to remarry — she did, to the first Baron Kennet, a member of Lloyd George's government — and to care for their son, the future naturalist Sir Peter Scott, nine months old when his father left for Antarctica.
The letter, which goes on display later this month, is printed in full below.
"To my widow,
Dearest Darling – we are in a very tight corner and I have doubts of pulling through – In our short lunch hours I take advantage of a very small measure of warmth to write letters preparatory to a possible end – the first is naturally to you on whom my thought mostly dwell waking or sleeping – if anything happens to me I shall like you to know how much you have meant to me and that pleasant recollections are with me as I depart.
I should like you to take what comfort you can from these facts also – I shall not have suffered any pain but leave the world fresh from harness and full of good health and vigour – this is dictated already, when provisions come to an end we simply stop where we are within easy distance of another depot.
Therefore you must not imagine a great tragedy — we are very anxious of course and have been for weeks but in splendid physical condition and our appetites compensate for all discomfort. The cold is biting and sometimes angering but here again the hot food which drives it forth is so wonderfully enjoyable that we would scarcely be without it.
We have gone down hill a good deal since I wrote the above. Poor Titus Oates has gone — he was in a bad state — the rest of us keep going and imagine we have a chance to get through but the cold weather doesn't let up at all – we are now only 20 miles from a depot but we have very little food or fuel.
Well dear heart I want you to take the whole thing very sensibly as I am sure you will — the boy will be your comfort. I had looked forward to helping you to bring him up but it is a satisfaction to feel that he is safe with you. I think both he and you ought to be specially looked after by the country for which after all we have given our lives with something of spirit which makes for example — I am writing letters on this point in the end of this book after this. Will you send them to their various destinations?
I must write a little letter for the boy if time can be found to be read when he grows up — dearest that you know I cherish no sentimental rubbish about re marriage — when the right man comes to help you in life you ought to be your happy self again.
I hope I shall be a good memory certainly the end is nothing for you to be ashamed of and I like to think that the boy will have a good start in parentage of which he may be proud. Dear it is not easy to write because of the cold — 70 degrees below zero and nothing but the shelter of our tent.
You know I have loved you, you know my thoughts must have constantly dwelt on you and oh dear me you must know that quite the worst aspect of this situation is the thought that I shall not see you again. The inevitable must be faced — you urged me to be leader of this party and I know you felt it would be dangerous — I've taken my place throughout, haven't I?
God bless you my own darling I shall try and write more later — I go on across the back pages. Since writing the above we have got to within 11 miles of our depot with one hot meal and two days' cold food and we should have got through but have been held for four days by a frightful storm — I think the best chance has gone. We have decided not to kill ourselves but to fight it to the last for that depot but in the fighting there is a painless end so don't worry.
I have written letters on odd pages of this book — will you manage to get them sent? You see I am anxious for you and the boy's future — make the boy interested in natural history if you can, it is better than games — they encourage it at some schools — I know you will keep him out in the open air — try and make him believe in a God, it is comforting.
Oh my dear my dear what dreams I have had of his future and yet oh my girl I know you will face it stoically — your portrait and the boy's will be found in my breast and the one in the little red Morocco case given by Lady Baxter. There is a piece of the Union flag I put up at the South Pole in my private kit bag together with Amundsen's black flag and other trifles — give a small piece of the Union flag to the King and a small piece to Queen Alexandra and keep the rest a poor trophy for you!
What lots and lots I could tell you of this journey. How much better it has been than lounging in comfort at home — what tales you would have for the boy but oh what a price to pay — to forfeit the sight of your dear dear face.
Dear you will be good to the old mother. I write her a little line in this book. Also keep in with Ettie and the others — oh but you'll put on a strong face for the world — only don't be too proud to accept help for the boy's sake — he ought to have a fine career and do something in the world.
I haven't time to write to Sir Clements — tell him I thought much of him and never regretted him putting me in command of the Discovery."