Q: Tell me about a time when you had to divulge sensitive information? How did you deal with the situation? In your opinion, what are in the main issues involved in sharing sensitive information?
A:Is responsible and thoughtful in how they deal with sensitive information.
Q: Give me an example of a time when you had to put forward an unpopular point of view in a meeting. How did you handle the negative reaction? What did you learn from the experience?
A: Has the ability to convince others by making valid points; has a strong character; is not afraid to speak his/her mind to defend his own and the hotel's interests.
Q: Give me an example of how you conveyed the same message to different levels of the hotel.
A: Maintains continuous open and consistent communication with all levels of the organization, can tailor his/her message to his audience and their interests.
Q: Have you ever felt during course of your work that the existing systems and solutions are not sufficient to meet needs of guests properly and need to be changed? If so, tell me more.
A: Can take initiatives; keen to improve existing systems and services in order to provide better service to all guests and users of the hotel services.
Q: How important do you think customer services are in relation to your other corporate objectives?
A: Understand the vital importance of staff having excellence customer service skills if the organization is to success and expand.
Q: What steps do you undertake to organize and prioritize your tasks during a normal day?
A: Can effectively prioritize his/her tasks in order of importance, does not procrastinate or put off hard or unpleasant tasks.
Q: Tell me about the methods you use to keep informed of your staffs activities and progress towards their set objectives.
A: Monitors staffs through assessments and managers reports, to ensure individual objectives and developments are been achieved.
Q: Describe the procedures you have for evaluating reports and proposals
A: Has evolved methodical methods and systems to critically analyze reports for the effect it will have not just on one department but the organization as a whole.
Q: Tell me about a time when you anticipated a potential problem in the hotel before it happened. How were you able to anticipate it?
A: Reflects deeply on the hotel's processes and procedures, applies his technical knowledge and expertise to the consequences of these processes, acts decisively in implementing a solution to potential problems.
Q: What tasks should you delegate and to what degree? Give me some examples, particularly in relation to hiring staff and formulation safety policies for the hotel.
A: Delegates routine activities; fact-finding assignments; preparation of rough drafts of reports for new hotel policies to his/her staff.
Q: Tell me about the last time you sought advice before making a major decision.
A: Has assembled a trusted team of expertise and talent in hotel administration, catering, accounting, banqueting, human resources, security and information systems, with whom he can discuss his/her solutions before implementation, has the character to accept and implement feedback.
Q: Describe the extent to which you set good examples to your staff. Can you give me a few examples?
A: Does not get his/her staff to do anything they would not do themselves, sets themselves as excellent role models, creates an ethos of high standards and achievements.
Q: Tell me about a time you were prominently involved in re-structuring an organization to take advantage of a major change like a competitor failing, new technology, a decrease in tourist numbers, prices rises etc
A: Structures the organization to take advantage of changing fundamentals in the industry
Q: Tell me about an opportunity you foresaw in the hospitality market for a new product or for an adaptation of an existing product. What steps did you take? Were you successful?
A: Always seeking new products and new markets; can formulate and implement plans to pursue these opportunities.
1."Tell me about yourself" 简要介绍你自己。
2."Why are you interested in this position?"你为什么对这份工作感趣?
3."What are your strengths?" 谈谈你的优势?
4."What is Your Biggest Weakness?" 谈谈你最大的弱点是什么?
5."Why do You Feel You are Right for this Position?" 为什么你认为自己适合这个职位?
6."Can you give me the highlights of your resume?" 谈谈你的简历上有些什么值得特别关注的吗?
7."Why did you choose your major?" 你为什么选择这个专业?
8."What are your interests?" 你有哪些兴趣爱好呢?
9."What are your short and long term goals?" 你对于短期和长期的目标是什么?
10."Tell me how your friends/family would describe you?" 如果我向你的朋友或者家人询问对你的评价,你认为他们会怎样说?
11."Using single words, tell me your three greatest strengths and one weakness." 用简单的词,描述你的三项最突出的优点和一个缺点。
12."What motivates you to succeed?" 你 争取成功的动力是什么?
13."What qualities do you feel are important to be successful in _____ (i.e. customer service)?" 哪些品质在你看来对成功是最重要的?
14."What previous experience has helped you develop these qualities?" 哪些之前的精力帮助你获得了这些品质?
15."Can you give me an example of teamwork and leadership?" 你能向我列举一个团队活动和领导力的例子吗?
16."What was your greatest challenge and how did you overcome it?" 你经历过最大的挑战是什么?你如何跨越它的?
17."Why should I hire you over the other candidates I am interviewing?" 我为什么要从这么多应聘者中选择你呢?
18."Do you have any questions?" 你有一些什么问题吗?
19."What are your compensation expectations?" 你去年的收入是多少?你对于报酬有什么样的期望?
General Questions:
20."What was your greatest accomplishment in past time?" 在过去的日子里,你觉得自己最大的成就是什么?
21."Have you ever been asked to do something unethical? If yes, how did you handle it?"曾经有人要求你去做一些不道德的事情吗?如果有,你是怎么处理的呢?
22."What do you do if you totally disagree with a request made by your manager?"如果你完全不同意你上司的某个要求,你怎么处理?
Leadership Questions:
23."When in a group setting, what is your typical role?" 你在团队中通常的作用是什么?
24."How do you motivate a team to succeed?" 你怎么激励团队达到成功?
Teamwork Questions:
25."Have you been in team situations where not everyone carried their fair share of the workload? If so, how did you handle the situation?" 如果你所处的团队中,并不是每个成员都承担着相同的工作量,你怎样处理这种情况?
Problem-Solving Questions:
Problem-solving questions demonstrate your ability to come up with solutions to difficult situations and your ability to think on your feet.
26."How do you prioritize when you are given too many tasks to accomplish?" 你怎样在一堆根本做不完的工作任务中区分轻重缓急?
27."Why are manhole covers round?" 为什么下水道的井盖是圆的?
Organizational and Planning Questions:
Organizational and planning questions demonstrate how you approach your job and how you think. If someone appears disorganized, more likely than not, that candidate will be rejected.
28."Tell me about a goal you set for yourself and how you accomplished it."
29."Do you typically achieve what you set out to do?"
Miscellaneous Questions:
30."What de-motivates or discourages you?" 有哪些因素可能会让你失去动力或信心?
31."Do you work better in teams or by yourself?" 对于你来说,与团队一起工作和独自干活哪样效率更高?
32."How important to you is a positive attitude?" 积极的态度对你有多重要?
33."What is your definition of success?" 你怎样定义成功?
34. "What was your biggest disappointment during your college life?" 你大学阶段最大的遗憾是什么?
35. "Tell me about the most difficult decision you have had to make." 你曾经做过的最难的决定是什么?
36. "What is your ideal job?" 你理想的工作是什么?
37. 到现在为止,你还有应聘别的公司吗?进行得怎样?
Tell me about yourself" Why are you interested in this position Why do You Feel You are Right for this Position?"