
2024-12-03 10:56:27

有很多了!不知道你说的是那种! 推荐网址: www.budweiser.com.cn 以下推荐:有首Mermaid song. 但是是Chivas的广告歌 we could be together 我们会团聚 everyday together 每一天都相伴 we could sit forever 我们会永远在一起 as loving waves spill over 只要爱的浪潮还在涌动 the moon is fully risen 月高高升起 and shines over the sea 光芒撒在海面 as you glide in my vision 你滑入我的视线 the time is standing still 那一刻永伫 don't shy away too long 不要离开太久 this is a boundless dream 这是无尽的梦 come close to me my reason 请来到我的身边 i'll take you in my wings 我将你轻拥入怀 we could be together 我们会团聚 everyday forever 每一天都相伴 we belong together 我们心心相印 further seas and over 直到海枯 in the garden of the sea 在海的花园 i see you looking over 我看见你在远眺 with my wistful melody 随着我渴望的旋律 you leap into the water 跃入水里 it is no breaths sighing 不再叹息 this is the mermaid song 这是美人鱼的歌 the singing of my sisters 为了我的姐妹而唱 the sea has drown for long 大海已沉沦良久 希望能给你带来帮助!晚安!