这个用英语真的很好说:I'm hurt。当然,如果用英语表达自己受伤了,还有各种不同的说法和表达形式。
Once I had a game leg,and then I went limping.我曾经有一条腿受伤,那时就跛着脚行走。
He skinned his shins,but otherwise he was uninjured.他的外棼擦破了皮,但别处都没受伤。
He was disabled in the war; he lost his left arm.他作战时受伤残废了,失去了左胳膊。
The only passengers, a young woman and her two Baby daughters, were unhurt.飞机上的旅客只有一位年轻妇女和她的两个女婴儿,她们没有受伤。
Mr. Johnson, who was uninjured in the shooting, took his oath in the Presidential jet plane as it stood on the runway at Love Field在这场事件中未受伤的约翰逊先生在停候于拉芙机场(Love Field)跑道上的总统喷气式座机中宣誓就职。