求两个英语free talk的主题(急)

2023-12-26 14:57:33

1. The topic of english corner (活动主题): my favourite dish我最爱吃的菜
2. 活动内容:和同学们讨论确定一道自己最喜欢吃的菜,描述它的原料,色香味形,(最好有烹饪方法),分析它属于那类食物并说明理由,并判断这道菜可能会给自己的身体产生哪些影响说明理由,并说明自己喜欢这道菜的原因。
3. 活动步骤:
1) 学生挑选出自己最爱吃的菜,教师指导学生写出英文名称
2) 至少和三个学生交流菜肴的原料,制作方式(barbecue/fry/boil…),以及做成后的颜色、气味、形态和口感
3) 根据本单元的事物分类法,和其他同学讨论,确定菜肴属于那类食物(energy-giving food ,dody-buliding food or protective food),并说明理由
4) 解释喜爱的理由,用英语记录下来。判断这道菜可能对身体产生那些影响
5) 用所给的问题,通过一问一答的形式,最后找一伙伴以对话的形式展现在大家的面前
Use the following questions to talk to your friends about their food and diet ,and fill in some information
1. what’s your favourite dish?
2. what ingredients do you need to cook it?
3. what kinds of food does it belong to, body-building food ,engery-giving food or protective food?
4. Do you think it is good for your dody? And why?
5. why do you like it best?
6. what is the colour/taste palate of the dish?
7. could you tell me how to cook it?

拌豆腐丝 :Shredded Tofu with Sauce 酱香猪蹄 :Pig Feet Seasoned with Soy Sauce
泡椒凤爪 :Chicken Feet with Pickled Peppers 爽口西芹 :Crispy Celery
五香牛肉 :Spicy Roast Beef 麻辣牛筋 :Spicy Beef Tendon
凉拌黄瓜 :Cucumber in Sauce 红烧排骨 :Braised Spare Ribs in Brown Sauce
京酱肉丝 :Sautéed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce米粉扣肉 :Steamed Sliced Pork Belly with Rice Flour
糖醋排骨 :Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs鱼香肉丝 :Yu-Shiang Shredded Pork (Sautéed with Spicy Garlic Sauce)
米粉肉 :Steamed Pork with Rice Flour川式红烧肉 :Braised Pork,Sichuan Style
青椒肉丝 :Sautéed Shredded Pork with Green Pepper椒盐排骨 :Crispy Spare Ribs with Spicy Salt
宫保鸡丁 :Kung Pao Chicken四川辣子鸡 :Sautéed Diced Chicken with Chili and Pepper, Sichuan Style
香酥鸡王 :Crispy Chicken清蒸全鸡 :Steamed Whole Chicken北京烤鸭 :Beijing Roast Duck
韭菜炒鸡蛋 :Scrambled Egg with Leek 蛋羹 :Egg Custard孜然羊肉 :Fried Lamb with Cumin
香辣蟹 :Sautéed Crab in Hot Spicy Sauce红烧甲鱼 :Braised Turtle in Brown Sauce
香辣虾 :Fried Shrimps in Hot Spicy Sauce油焖大虾 :Braised Prawns
红烧带鱼 :Braised Ribbonfish in Brown Sauce鱼香茄子 :Yu-Shiang Eggplant (Sautéed with Spicy Garlic Sauce)
酱烧茄子 :Braised Eggplant with Soy Bean Paste
剁椒土豆丝 :Sautéed Shredded Potato with Chopped Chili Pepper
辣子豆腐 :Tofu in Hot Pepper Sauce酸辣肚丝汤 :Hot and Sour Pork Tripe Soup
西红柿鸡蛋汤 :Tomato and Egg Soup芹菜肉丝 :Sautéed Shredded Pork with Celery

1. The topic of english corner (活动主题): our own festival我们自己的节日
2. 活动内容:Work in groups , decide what a new holiday should be about and tell other studentswhy your holiday is the best one.和同学们讨论确定一个自己的节日,描述节日的名称、时间、目的、庆祝方式、节日的代表性活动、食物、服装等等。
3. 词汇:dress up, symbol, honour, purpose, faith, joy, respect, in honour of , in memory of , sing high praise for,
4. 句型: I like the festival the festival very much because…
The festival is celebrated on …
We fix the festival on that day in memory of …
We celerate the festival by …
We must … on that day
In my opinion,we should …
I don’t think it is necessary to…
I hope we can make a decision.
I believe we should …
We must decide …
If we do this, we can…
5.范例: I think that the new festival should be an English Day. On this day ,everyone speak ,listen to and read English. The festival will be celebrate on____________ and we will celebrate it by _______. I think this is the best idea because__________________.
a) 用所给的问题,通过一问一答的形式,最后找一伙伴以对话的形式展现在大家的面前
Use the following questions to talk to your friends about your festival
Festival When is the festival celerated? Who celebrate the festival? How do you celebrate it? Why do you celebrate it?