点下任何文件的右键 就弹出 正在安装Windows Installer 是不是中毒了, 救命啊

2025-01-07 07:16:33

不是中毒,是你的Windows Installer工具或服务存在异常,或者版本过低。在Windows上安装程序都是要调用Windows Installer的



Open “msconfig”. Another way of disabling msiexec.exe is through “msconfig”. Click windows “start” and go to “run”. Type “msconfig” and press enter. On the services tab, search for “msiexec.exe”. If it is there, disable it then restart your computer.(按视窗“start”,然后按右边最下面的“run”,输入“msconfig”,就会找到一堆文件,选“msiexec.exe”后关掉。)

Locate msiexec.exe through Service folder. To do this, go to the “run” option and type “services.msc”. Once you press enter, the Services window will open. The Services folder contains configurations and settings for different programs on your computer. Look for “Microsoft Installer” by scrolling through the applications and programs in the Services window. Once you found the file, right-click on it and go to “Properties”. A new window will open. Look for the “Startup-type” option. Look through the dropdown menu and then select “Manual” or “Disable”. Select “apply” and click “Ok”. Then, close the window.

看得明白吗?照着(有括号的)步骤做就能关掉了。 下面是其它方法

Temporarily disable System Restore feature. This is an important step. It will prevent msiexec.exe from running again automatically when you run System Restore in the future. To do this, go to the “My Computer” folder and click “Properties”. You will find a “System Restore” tab in the System Properties. Click the tab and choose the “Turn off System Restore” on all drives box. Click “Ok” and confirm the procedure.

Go to Windows Task Manager. One way of disabling msiexec.exe is through your Windows Task Manager. Simply press “Ctrl+Alt+Delete” and find msiexec.exe on the “Processes” tab. Once you found the file, click “End Process”. Then, close the window. However, if you cannot locate msiexec.exe on your Windows Task Manager, proceed to the next step.

Microsoft Corporation developed msiexec.exe. It is a system process. It is not a security risk to your computer and you should not remove it. However, if you found that your computer is running slowly, disabling msiexec.exe on your system might help speed up your system. Remember to reactivate your System Restore feature once you disable the file.

If, for some reason, msiexec.exe is running even if you are not installing any application, try to run a full virus scan. If you found that it is a virus, try to remove it using your anti-virus software.


微软Windows Installer作为Win2K/WinXP/WinVista的组件之一,是专门用来管理和配置软件服务的工具。在Win95、Win98、WinMe与WinNT4.0下,作为额外的产品提供,允许用户有效地安装与配置软件产品与应用程序。新的Installer提供给软件产品新的特性,例如使用命令行安装产品、增加了用户的可定制性。
可以,删掉只是以后从控制面板 添加删除程序,或者对一些程序进行维护时,有可能会提示你找不到安装程序


msiexec.exe,系统进程,是Windows Installer的一部分。

用于安装Windows Installer安装包(MSI),对系统的正常运行是非常重要的,一般在运行Microsoft Update安装更新或安装部分软件的时候出现,占用内存比较大。

由于此进程只会出现于安装Windows Installer安装包时,所以经常被使用者视作不明进程。

依赖的服务项目:Windows Installer

如果不想在系统启动时加载,关闭Windows Installer服务即可。

打开控制面板里-管理工具-服务,找到名称为Windows Installer的服务项,设置属性为禁止即可。
