@file binsearch.cpp
@author (c) 2005 Zbigniew Jerzak (after Programming Pearls by Jon Bentley and C++ Language by Bjarne Stroustrup)
@brief Illustrates the use of assertions when using the C++ language
Assertions regarding binary search:
1. Sorted array[0..n-1]
2. We search for an element t
3. n>=0
4. array[0] <= array[1] <= ... <= array[n-1]
5. iff n==0 array is empty
6. Datatypes of t and array elements are the same
7. The return value is stored in variable p
8. iff p=-1 elemet t was not found in array[0..n-1] otherwise
9. 0 <= p <= n-1 && t=array[p]
using namespace std;
#define INFO(str) str, __FILE__, __LINE__
@brief Asserts using exceptions.
@returns Throws an exception X is the expression expr is not
true. No action is taken otherwise. Executes only
if the debug mode is set.
inline void Assert(T expr, X x)
#ifndef NDEBUG
if(!expr) throw x;
#endif //NDEBUG
@brief the basic exception class, to be subclassed
class CException
CException(string s, char* f, int l) : _s(s), _f(f), _l(l) {};
string err() const {
ostringstream stm;
stm << _l;
return _s + " [File: " + _f + "; Line: " + stm.str() + "]";
string _s;
string _f;
int _l;
@brief Thrown when the precondition is violated
class CPreconditionException : public CException {
CPreconditionException(string s, char* f, int l) : CException(s, f, l) {};
@brief Thrown when the invariant is violated
class CInvariantException : public CException {
CInvariantException(string s, char* f, int l) : CException(s, f, l) {};
@brief Thrown when the precondition is violated
class CPostconditionException : public CException {
CPostconditionException(string s, char* f, int l) : CException(s, f, l) {};
@brief retuirns the index of the element t in array
@param array - the sorted array in which to find t
@param t - the element to find
@param n - the size of the array
@return Index of the element t in the array. If not found, returns -1.
class CBinarySearch
//c'tor & d'tor
CBinarySearch() {}
~CBinarySearch() {}
//array manipulation
int binsearch(const T *array, const T t, const int n) const;
void initarray(T *array, const int n, const int f, const int s) const;
//assertions related
class CAssertionException : public CException {
CAssertionException(string s, char* f, int l) : CException(s, f, l) {};
void sortedEx(const T *array, const int n) const;
int sorted(const T *array, const int n) const;
int mustbe(const int lower, const int upper, const T *array, const T t) const;
@brief Verifies that a value t is in the range of array
inline int CBinarySearch
return(array[lower] <= t && t <= array[upper]);
@brief returns the index of the element t in array
@param array - the sorted array in which to find t
@param t - the element to find
@param n - the size of the array
@return Index of the element t in the array. If not found, returns -1.
inline int CBinarySearch
array[0] <= array[1] <= ... <= array[n-1]
p == -1 => t not found in array
0 <= p <= n => array[p] == t
This constitutes a contract -- hence we call this
programming/design by contract.
DBC advocates writing the assertions first.
const string vpre = "Violated Precondition";
const string vpst = "Violated Postcondition";
const string vinv = "Violated Invariant";
/* Make sure the search makes sense */
if(n<1 || array[0] > t || t > array[n-1])
return -1;
/* precodition 2 variants*/
#ifndef NDEBUG
sortedEx(array, n);
#endif //NDEBUG
//Assert(sorted(array, n), new CPreconditionException(INFO(vpre)));
int lower=0;
int upper=n-1;
Assert( mustbe(lower, upper, array, t), new CInvariantException(INFO(vinv)));
int middle=-1;
while (lower <= upper)
Assert( lower <= upper && mustbe(lower, upper, array, t), new CInvariantException(INFO(vinv)));
//Assert( middle != ((lower + upper) / 2), new CInvariantException(INFO(vinv)));
middle = (lower + upper) / 2;
Assert( lower <= middle && middle <= upper && mustbe(lower, upper, array, t), new CInvariantException(INFO(vinv)));
if(array[middle] < t)
Assert( mustbe(middle+1, upper, array, t), new CInvariantException(INFO(vinv)));
lower = middle;
Assert( mustbe(lower, upper, array, t), new CInvariantException(INFO(vinv)));
else if (array[middle] == t)
Assert( array[middle] == t, new CPostconditionException(INFO(vpst)));
return middle;
else /* array[middle] > t*/
Assert( mustbe(lower, middle-1, array, t), new CInvariantException(INFO(vinv)));
upper = middle - 1;
Assert( mustbe(lower, upper, array, t), new CInvariantException(INFO(vinv)));
Assert( mustbe(lower, upper, array, t), new CInvariantException(INFO(vinv)));
Assert( lower > upper && mustbe(lower, upper, array, t), new CPostconditionException(INFO(vpst)));
/* t not in array */
return -1;
@brief Verifies whether the array is sorted
@param array - the array to verify
@param n - array size
@return 1 if array is sorted, 0 otherwise.
inline int CBinarySearch
int i;
for(i=0; i
return 0;
return 1;
@brief Verifies whether the array is sorted
@param array - the array to verify
@param n - array size
@return Throws the CAssert whenever the array is not sorted, takes no action otherwise.
inline void CBinarySearch
if(!sorted(array,n)) throw new CAssertionException(INFO("Violated Sorted Precondition"));
@brief Initializes given array with sorted values
@param array - array to initialize
@param n - number of elements
@param f - initial element
@param s - step
@return 0 on success, 1 otherwise
inline void CBinarySearch
int i;
int elem = f;
for(i = 0; i
array[i] = elem;
elem += s;
@brief The main program body.
@returns 0 on successfull execution. 1 otherwise.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
long array[50];
bs.initarray(array, 50, 5, 2);
//array[25] = 2222;
cout << bs.binsearch(array, 13, 50) << endl;
/* catch (CBinarySearch
cout << e->err() << endl;
catch (CPreconditionException *e)
cout << e->err() << endl;
catch (CException *e)
cout << e->err() << endl;
return 0;