英文意思翻译 :格物=study deep into the root of matter,致知=dig into the heart of fact to find the correct answer and knowledge,诚意=sincerity,正心=maintain a true heart and get away with evil thinking,修身=develop our own self, thinking and behavior,齐家=keep the family in a harmonious environment with proper respect to individual members,治国=rule the country peacefully with education and good governmental policies,平天下=rule the whole world in a peaceful manner with good ruling policies。
study the objects
gain the knowledge
accumulate the sincerity
upright the mind
chase the perfection
happyness in homes
harmony throughout countries
comes world peace
中国文化源远流长= =非要翻译零散几个词真心无法表达完全。。。
要把“意合语言”翻译成“形合语言”真的是一言难尽- =
Ancient China there is "self- regulating the family running the country across the land" argument .我国古代就有“修身齐家平天下”的说法。
The ancient thinkers thought of the moral accomplishments of the politicians as the quality of serving the sovereignty and the country .
*齐家 这里,我认为还是 经营好自己的家的意思, 一屋不扫何以扫天下嘛!
所以我根据我自己对中文的理解(虽不知你我理解是否相同) (可能我的理解没您的透彻...)
Learn rules, pursue truths ;
be honest, be calm, be moral ;
run the family, moralise the country and appease the world.
依次对应 格物,致知,诚意,正心,修身,齐家,治国,平天下.
从中文原文我认为这是一串 动词. 所以英文中我也全部使用同时态第一人称动词.
您可能觉得我自己写的句子看起来没别人的"高级", 词汇都很简单.
但是我认为, 简单的英文,才是正宗正确纯粹的英文, 小词才妙,小词才让人深悟.
备注:都是我自己写的,没有一分一豪造假. 我对这些也很感兴趣, Monsieur_Rt 有不同意见可以追问我
Observe the world to acquire knowledge.
If there is knowledge,there is sincerity in the mind ,
If there is sincerity in the mind ,there is virtue in the man ,
Iif there is virtue in the man,there is order in the family.
If there is order in the family.the country will be strong,
If the country is strong,there will be peace in the world.
格物,= to observe
致知,= to understand
诚意,= to be sincere
正心,= to be open and honest
修身,= to have self-control
齐家,= to be able to manage (or support) one's own home
or, to create a harmonious home (or, home life)
治国,= to be able to support one's own country
平天下 = to be peaceful with the world。