原文:飞行员因飞机故障,与小王子邂逅在撒哈拉沙漠。于是,他们开始讲述一段神奇而又渺远的故事。 小王子来自B612星球,据说这是个只有一间房子那么大的星球,只要将椅子转一转便可以看见落日。他拥有三座火山和一朵玫瑰花,尽管他与玫瑰花彼此相爱,却又彼此不解。也因此小王子开始了他漫长的旅途,他走访了一些星球,遇见了徒有其名的国王,爱慕虚荣的人,自相矛盾的酒鬼,唯利是图的实业家,兢兢业业的点灯人,还有地理学家。然而这些大人们对他来说都是十分奇怪的,他们与生活、事业、金线、名利紧紧纠缠,或许成长带给人类的就是这些变化。即使我们现在还是个孩子,但是随着时间的流逝,终会成为与国王,爱虚荣者,酒鬼,实业家,点灯人,地理学家类似的人,因为我们就像是飞行员一样生活在这个被大人欺骗的环境里。 或许大人与小孩的区别就在这里,小孩因思想简单,没有缠绕不清的头绪而将生活看得十分透彻。大人呢,他们自以为是的阅历丰富,将事情无限度的扩大,到头来不过是庸人自扰。这大概不是他们的错,因为这世界上确实存在着许多无可奈何的事情。 值得一说的是飞行员与小王子两个人的友谊。当小王子看见飞行员孩童时代画的作品时,他清楚明了的说出了这副画的含义。在小王子临死前送给飞行员漫天微笑的星星,以及飞行员一句句 “我不离开你”“我不离开你”。这个故事着实是感人的,又或许是两个人心灵深处的交谈。安妮在文章中写道过:不知道人的一生,会有几次的可能性,对另一个人敞开心扉。我确实是向往着这样的感情,在茫茫人海中寻找着另一个自己。 小王子原本以为他的玫瑰花是独一无二的,细心照顾她,为她浇水为她盖上罩子。可是他困顿了,因为在地球上遇见了几千朵与他的玫瑰花一模一样的玫瑰花。然而在他失望之际,狐狸告诉他:只有用心才能看得清。实质性的东西,用眼睛是看不见的。比如说我父亲给人的感觉就是个冷血,似乎他对于欲望的追求远远的超出了亲情友情爱情。可是我还是相信着,事实并非如此,他一直视以一种默默地方式为这个家营造着更多的幸福,尽管这个方式并不讨人喜爱。确实的,有些东西眼睛是看不见的,比如说爱。 小王子终是死了的,可是飞行员觉得他回到了自己的星球,去寻找属于自己的玫瑰花了。我猜想,他或许真的看见了漫天微笑的星星。
英语翻译:The pilot for aircraft fault, and the little prince met in the Sahara desert. So, they began to tell a magic and suddenly so far story. The little prince came from B612 planet, it is said that this is a only a house so big of planet, as long as the chair around and can see the setting sun. He has three volcano and a rose, although he with roses love each other, but they don't understand each other. And so the little prince began his journey, he visited some planet, meet the king of sorts, vanity, contradictory alcoholic, mercenaries businessman, cautious and conscientious lamp, and geologist. However these adults for him is very strange, they and life, career, golden line, fame, wealth, tightly entwine, may grow to the human is these changes. Even if we now is still a child, but with the passage of time, will become and the king, love vain, alcoholic, industrialists, light the lamps, a geologist similar people, because we like living in the pilot to be adult deceive environment. Maybe the difference between adults and children in here, children due to the thought simple, not winding is not clear clue and will see life is very thoroughly. Adult? They opinionated experience rich, the expansion of the faith that, in the end but is all much ado about nothing. This is probably not their fault, because this is in the world there are many helpless things. Be worth what say is pilot and the little prince the friendship between two people. When the little prince saw the pilot childhood painting works, he clearly understood, said what the meaning of this picture. Before he died in the little prince to pilot the stars in the sky a smile, and the pilot YiGouGou "I will not leave you" "I will not leave you." This story really is moving, and perhaps is two people talk of the deep heart. Anne wrote, didn't know the difference of the life, will have the possibility of a few times, to the other people to open up. I really is yearning for such feelings, in the boundless huge crowd looking for another themselves. The little prince thought his roses is unique, and care for her, for she covered her water for cover. But he stuck, because on earth for thousands of flower and meet his roses exactly like a rose. However, in his disappointment, the fox told him: only by to see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye. For example my father has given people the feeling is a cold-blooded, he seems to have the desire to pursue the far beyond the family friendship and love. But I still believe that, that is not the case, he has been on a way to silently for this home building more happiness, although the way not to be desired. Indeed, some things is invisible to the eye, for example, to love. The little prince end is dead, but the pilot felt he returned to his own planet, to find their own roses. I guess, he might actually saw the stars in the sky smile.
The pilot for aircraft fault, and the little prince met in the Sahara desert. So, they began to tell a magic and suddenly so far story. The little prince came from B612 planet, it is said that this is a only a house so big of planet, as long as the chair around and can see the setting sun. He has three volcano and a rose, although he with roses love each other, but they don't understand each other. And so the little prince began his journey, he visited some planet, meet the king of sorts, vanity, contradictory alcoholic, mercenaries businessman, cautious and conscientious lamp, and geologist. However these adults for him is very strange, they and life, career, golden line, fame, wealth, tightly entwine, may grow to the human is these changes. Even if we now is still a child, but with the passage of time, will become and the king, love vain, alcoholic, industrialists, light the lamps, a geologist similar people, because we like living in the pilot to be adult deceive environment. Maybe the difference between adults and children in here, children due to the thought simple, not winding is not clear clue and will see life is very thoroughly. Adult? They opinionated experience rich, the expansion of the faith that, in the end but is all much ado about nothing. This is probably not their fault, because this is in the world there are many helpless things. Be worth what say is pilot and the little prince the friendship between two people. When the little prince saw the pilot childhood painting works, he clearly understood, said what the meaning of this picture. Before he died in the little prince to pilot the stars in the sky a smile, and the pilot YiGouGou "I will not leave you" "I will not leave you." This story really is moving, and perhaps is two people talk of the deep heart. Anne wrote, didn't know the difference of the life, will have the possibility of a few times, to the other people to open up. I really is yearning for such feelings, in the boundless huge crowd looking for another themselves. The little prince thought his roses is unique, and care for her, for she covered her water for cover. But he stuck, because on earth for thousands of flower and meet his roses exactly like a rose. However, in his disappointment, the fox told him: only by to see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye. For example my father has given people the feeling is a cold-blooded, he seems to have the desire to pursue the far beyond the family friendship and love. But I still believe that, that is not the case, he has been on a way to silently for this home building more happiness, although the way not to be desired. Indeed, some things is invisible to the eye, for example, to love. The little prince end is dead, but the pilot felt he returned to his own planet, to find their own roses. I guess, he might actually saw the stars in the sky smile.