1.有钱就是任性(rich and bitch)
2.也是醉了。(Are you kidding me?或 I become crazy)。
3.那画面太美我不敢看(That's such a beautiful scene that I dare not have my eyes fixed on it.)
4.且行且珍惜( It is to be cherished)
5. 挖掘机技术哪家强?(Which excavator school tops the list?)
“那么问题来了”则可以翻译成“So here comes the question…”
6.蛮拼的(Pretty strenuous)
7.保证不打死你(I promise you won't get killed.)
9.时间都去哪了(Where did the time go?)
10.我读书少,你别骗我(I don't have much education, don't try to fool me.)
11.不作死不会死(No zuo no die.)
12.我只想安安静静地做个美男子(Let me be a quiet and handsome boy.)
the fashion says in 2014