公司职员的英语是company employee。
音标:英[ˈkʌmpəni ˌemplɔiˈi:] 美[ˈkʌmpəni ɛmˈplɔɪi]
Company employee shares 公司职工股
company ' s employee 公司员工
Private company employee 私企雇员
Company copies of employee identification 员工身份证明文件副本
I am a company employee 我是公司职员
职员,是指担任行政和业务工作的人员。机关、企业、学校、团体里担任行政或业务工作的人员 、企业中的管理人员、公务员(国家公务员即国家公职人员)即指国家公务人员,他们是指依法履行国家公职,纳入国家行政编制,由国家财政负责工资福利的工作人员。
1. 我已经安排好派一个职员到飞机场接你。
I have arranged that one of my staff will meet you at the airport.
2. 警察怀疑银行职员与强盗有勾结。
The police suspected that the bank clerk was in league with the rubbers.
3. 有些职员要被解雇,不过请放心,你不在此列。
Some of our staff are to be dismissed, but I hasten to add you won't be among them.
公司职员的英语是company employee。
音标:英[ˈkʌmpəni ˌemplɔiˈi:] 美[ˈkʌmpəni ɛmˈplɔɪi]
Company employee shares 公司职工股
company ' s employee 公司员工
Private company employee 私企雇员
Company copies of employee identification 员工身份证明文件副本
I am a company employee 我是公司职员
1、Every company employee is required to have a physical checkup every year.
2、The leader Lin Wei of subterranean party is solid, make with the identity of trading company employee covering, be engaged in underground working.
3、To demonstrate static members, consider a class that represents a company employee.
4、The assistant must be a company employee who has no active disciplinary action on file and has completed training provided by Human Resources.
5、Herbert Birch Kingston, a philanthropist and candy company employee wanted to bring happiness into the lives of orphans, shut-ins and others who were forgotten.
1. clerka) 职员,办事员,事务员:在办公室工作的人员,从事诸如保管档案记录、保持通信联系或归档备案等工作
b) 书记员:保管档案记录及从事法庭或立法机关日常事务的人
2. staff 全体雇员:为特定的企事业工作的人员
3. workera) 工作者:在某一特定职业或活动工作的人
b) 劳工,工人:从事体力或工业劳动的人
4. staff member 职员, 雇员
5. office staff 办公室职员
6. office worker 机关工作人员, 企事业单位办公室职员
7. corporate personnel 公司职员, 企业人员