Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Dim number(10) As Integer
Dim XXXX(4) As Integer
Dim YYYY(4) As Integer
Dim X As Integer
Dim Y As Integer
Dim rndnum As Integer
Private Sub cmdStart_Click()
cmdOK.Enabled = True
lblDone.Caption = "新数字已生成"
lblanswer.Caption = ""
lblTimes.Caption = ""
Call Cls
For X = LBound(number) To UBound(number)
number(X) = X - 1
End Sub
Private Sub Frame1_DragDrop(Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)
Call Randomize
rndnum = 1 + Int(Rnd() * 10)
XXXX(1) = number(rndnum)
number(rndnum) = number(10)
number(10) = XXXX(1)
rndnum = 1 + Int(Rnd() * 9)
XXXX(2) = number(rndnum)
number(rndnum) = number(9)
number(9) = XXXX(2)
rndnum = 1 + Int(Rnd() * 8)
XXXX(3) = number(rndnum)
number(rndnum) = number(8)
number(8) = XXXX(3)
rndnum = 1 + Int(Rnd() * 7)
XXXX(4) = number(rndnum)
number(rndnum) = number(7)
number(7) = XXXX(4)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
Static times As Integer
Static A As Integer
Static B As Integer
A = 0
B = 0
lblDone.Caption = ""'*************
For Y = 1 To 4
YYYY(Y) = Val(Mid$(txtInput.Text, Y, 1))
Next Y
If YYYY(1) <> YYYY(2) Then
If YYYY(3) <> YYYY(1) And YYYY(4) <> YYYY(2) And YYYY(4) <> YYYY(3) Then
If YYYY(4) <> YYYY(1) And YYYY(4) <> YYYY(2) And YYYY(2) And YYYY(4) <> YYYY(3) Then
For X = LBound(XXXX) To UBound(XXXX)
For Y = LBound(YYYY) To UBound(YYYY)
If XXXX(X) = YYYY(Y) Then
If XXXX(X) = YYYY(X) Then
A = A + 1
B = B + 1
End If
End If
Next Y
Next X
Print YYYY(1) & YYYY(2) & YYYY(3) & YYYY(4), A & "A" & B & "B"'**************
times = times + 1
If times = 10 Then'*************
cmdOK.Enabled = False
lblTimes.Caption = "你没有机会了,还是看看答案吧!"
times = 0'***************
lblTimes.Caption = "你还有" & 10 - times & "次机会"
End If
MsgBox "无效输入!", vbOKOnly, "猜数大师"
End If
MsgBox "无效输入!", vbOKOnly, "猜数大师"
End If
MsgBox "无效输入!", vbOKOnly, "猜数大师"
End If
txtInput.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub cmdanswer_Click()
lblanswer.Caption = XXXX(1) & XXXX(2) & XXXX(3) & XXXX(4)
End Sub