
2025-03-24 13:00:55

Abstract:to understand the current situation of psychological frustration among collage students and porpose the relevant education initiatives to promote their physically and mentally healthy.

Strategy:Research on the students from Xichang School by using the 《Questionnaire of Frustraction Experience among Collage students》which authorized by Master.Tang shuyi,majoring in Development and Educational Psychology and conducting the invesigation among the 150 current students radomly.The result shows that: firstly,girl's frustration is apparently higher than the boy as a whole;secondly,students from rural area feel more frustrated than those from urban.Thirdly,frustration can be apparently distinguished by grade.Sophomore year ranking the first place and follwed by the freshmen year,Junior year feels less frustrated than the sophemore and the senior is the least frustrated one.

Countermeasures:enhance the guidance of both occupation and learning,pay attention to the gender difference in frustractional education and lead the collage students to face the society fairly as well as building up oppotunities for interpersonal communication.