Sep. 19th, Tue. Sunny
When I went into the classroom this morning, I fount there was a big box on my desk. I was very surprised at it. " Whose box is this?" I asked my deskmate, but she didn't answer me and just a smile on her face. I looked at the box carefully and found there was a card on it. It said, " Happy birthday to you!" As soon Sep. 19th, Tue. Sep. 19th, Tue. Sunny
When I went into the classroom this morning, I fount there was a big box on my desk. I was very surprised at it. " Whose box is this?" I asked my deskmate, but she didn't answer me and just a smile on her face. I looked at thSep. 19th, Tue. Sunny
When I went into the classroom this morning, I fount there was a big box on my desk. I was very surprised at it. " Whose box is this?" I asked my deskmate, but she didn't answer me and just a smile on her face. I looked at the box carefully and found there was a card on it. It said, " Happy birthday to you!" As soon as I saw the words I remembered that today is really my birthday! At that time, the teacher and the whole class sang a song for me together. They also gave me many beautiful flowers. I was very excited and said thanks to them. I opened the box and shared the big cake with my teacher and classmates.
This was really the most special birthday than I have ever had!I'll never forget it forever!
e box carefully and found there was a card on it. It said, " Happy birthday to you!" As soon as I saw the words I remembered that today is really my birthday! At that time, the teacher and the whole class sang a song for me together. They also gave me many beautiful flowers. I was very excited and said thanks to them. I opened the box and shared the big cake with my teacher and classmates.
This was really the most special birthday than I have ever had!I'll never forget it forever!
When I went into the classroom this morning, I fount there was a big box on my desk. I was very surprised at it. " Whose box is this?" I asked my deskmate, but she didn't answer me and just a smile on her face. I looked at the box carefully and found there was a card on it. It said, " Happy birthday to you!" As soon as I saw the words I remembered that today is really my birthday! At that time, the teacher and the whole class sang a song for me together. They also gave me many beautiful flowers. I was very excited and said thanks to them. I opened the box and shared the big cake with my teacher and classmates.
This was really the most special birthday than I have ever had!I'll never forget it forever!
Sep. 19th, Tue. Sunny
When I went into the classroom this morning, I fount there was a big box on my desk. I was very surprised at it. " Whose box is this?" I asked my deskmate, but she didn't answer me and just a smile on her face. I looked at the box carefully and found there was a card on it. It said, " Happy birthday to you!" As soon as I saw the words I remembered that today is really my birthday! At that time, the teacher and the whole class sang a song for me together. They also gave me many beautiful flowers. I was very excited and said thanks to them. I opened the box and shared the big cake with my teacher and classmates.
This was really the most special birthday than I have ever had!I'll never forget it forever!
as I saw the words I remembered that today is really my birthday! At that time, the teacher and the whole class sang a song for me together. They also gave me many beautiful flowers. I was very excited and said thanks to them. I opened the box Sep. 19th, Tue. Sunny
When I went into the classroom this morning, I fount there was a big box on my desk. I was very surprised at it. " Whose box is this?" I asked my deskmate, but she didn't answer me and just a smile on her face. I looked at the box carefully and found there was a card on it. It said, " Happy birthday to you!" As soon as I saw the words I remembered that today is really my birthday! At that time, the teacher and the whole class sang a song for me together. They also gave me many beautiful flowers. I was very excited and Sep. 19th, Tue. Sunny
When I went into the classroom this morning, I fount there was a big box on my desk. I was very surprised at it. " Whose box is this?" I asked my deskmate, but she didn't answer me and just a smile on her face. I looked at the box carefully and found there was a card on it. It said, " Happy birthday to you!" As soon as I saw the words I remembered that today is really my birthday! At that time, the teacher and the whole class sang a song for me together. They also gave me many beautiful flowers. I was very excited and sSep. 19th, Tue. Sunny
When I went into the classroom this morning, I fount there was a
1) 2001年7月8星期天 天气:晴 今天是放寒假的第二天,为了赶紧做好寒假作业,痛痛快快地玩,我一下子就把《寒假园地》做完了,我心中的大石头也总算落了下来,终于可以轻松喽!我高兴地吁了一口气,去向爸爸妈妈“报喜”,本以为爸爸妈妈会替我高兴,可没料到爸爸却冷漠而严厉地说:“做这么快有什么用呢?老师布置的这些作业都是让你们一两天就完成的吗?那怎能好好地掌握暑假知识、好好复习上学期的知识呢?”我听后,觉得爸爸讲得很有道理。哎!要是早知如此,我就不会这样做了,但现在还有什么办法呢?总而言之,我以后再也不会像这次一样“范傻”了! (2) 2001年7月9日 星期一 天气:晴 今天,我做了一个梦。 我梦见一个鬼要杀我,因为他说他的弟弟被我害死了,所以到了阎王爷那儿找我偿命,可我根本没害过人呀,于是,我就跟他讲起道理来,他不但不听,还露出满嘴带着黑斑而锋利的牙齿,向我咬来。我赶紧跑呀跑,跑得上气不接下气…… 做恶梦可真倒霉呀!我长大了,一定要发明一种药,人吃了以后,就不会再做恶梦了。 (3) 2001年7月10日 星期 二 天气:晴 晚上,我趴在阳台上看夜景,那一颗颗小星星正在对我挤眉弄眼。这时,我想起了邻居王奶奶的一句话:“地上有多少人,天上就有多少颗星。如果地上的一个人死了,天上的一颗星就会从天上掉下来,变成石头。”我想,王奶奶讲的不是和安徒生童话里的《卖火柴的小女孩》意思一样吗? 不管王奶奶说的是真是假,我长大后,要当一名宇航员,架着宇宙飞船,飞到宇宙上,探索其中的奥秘,也算是为航空事业献的一份爱心。我期待着快点儿长大! (4) 2001年7月11日 星期三 天气:晴 今天我读了一个童话故事,名叫《点金术》,令我受益匪浅。 故事是讲,有个国王很爱钱,希望身边有数之不尽的黄金。于是,国王就亲自去找神仙,向神仙说了自己的愿望——自己碰到任何东西都会变成金子,神仙只是笑了笑而爽快地满足了他的要求。国王高兴极了,命人准备酒宴。可是,当他拿起一块面包时,面包却变成了金子,可国王还高兴着,没看到面包已变成了金子,便咬了一口面包,没想到国王的那两颗大门牙都被咬掉了。从此,国王再也没吃过东西,终于被活活地饿死了