达·芬奇 ,(1452年4月15日—1519年5月2日),欧洲文艺复兴时期的著名人物,博学家意大利著名画家、科学家,与拉斐尔、米开朗基罗并称意大利文艺复兴三杰,也是整个欧洲文艺复兴时期的代表之一。
他学识渊博、多才多艺,是发明家、 医学家、 生物学家 、 地理学家 、音乐家、大哲学家、诗人、建筑工程师和军事工程师。他全部的科研成果保存在他的手稿中,大约有15000多页,爱因斯坦认为,达·芬奇的科研成果如果在当时就发表的话,科技可以提前半个世纪。
Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo Di Piero Da Vinci (April 15, 1452 - May 2, 1519) is a famous Italian painter and scientist. He is also known as one of the three greatest Italian Renaissance masters and one of the representatives of the whole European Renaissance, along with Rafael and Michelangelo.
He is a knowledgeable and versatile inventor, medical scientist, biologist, geographer, musician, great philosopher, poet, architectural engineer and military engineer. All of his scientific achievements are preserved in his manuscript, about 15,000 pages. Einstein believed that if Da Vinci's scientific achievements were published at that time, science and technology could be advanced by half a century.
Leonardo Da Vinci went to Florence to study art at the age of 15. He grew up as a painter and sculptor with scientific literacy and became a military engineer and architect. He graduated from the Italian Institute of Technology in 1482 and became a famous Italian architect and painter. He carried out creative and research activities in the noble court. He has been wandering in Rome and Florence since 1513.
Modern scholars call him the "perfect representative of the Renaissance" and the unique all-round talent in human history. His greatest achievement is painting. His masterpieces Mona Lisa, Last Supper, Notre Dame of the Rocks and other works reflect his exquisite artistic attainments. He believes that the most beautiful object of study in nature is the human body, the human body is the wonderful work of nature, painters should take human as the core of the object of painting.
1452年的4月15日,达·芬奇出生在夜幕降临三个小时后的芬奇,达·芬奇的父亲叫瑟·皮耶罗·达芬奇,是佛罗伦萨的法律公证员,因此十分富有。他的母亲卡泰丽娜是农妇。达·芬奇是他们的私生子。达·芬奇并没有一个真正意义的姓,他的全名“Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci”意思是:“芬奇镇梅瑟·皮耶罗之子——列奥纳多”。
当他在作坊学艺时 ,就表现出非凡的绘画天才。约1470年他在协助韦罗基奥绘制《基督受洗》时,虽然只画了一位跪在基督身旁的天使,但其神态、表情和柔和的色调,已明显地超过了韦罗基奥。现存他最早的作品《受胎告知》是达·芬奇在没有老师的指导下,独立完成的一件作品。除了有一点自由构思外,这幅画的场景都是达·芬奇遵循一般的透视画法来构思的。
列奥纳多·达·芬奇 (1452-1519) da Vinci,Leonardo 意大利文艺复兴时期最负盛名的美术家、雕塑家、建筑家、工程师、机械师、科学巨匠、文艺理论家、大哲学家、诗人、音乐家和发明家。他生于佛罗伦萨郊区的芬奇镇,卒于法国。其父为律师兼公证人,母为农妇,他15罗来 到佛罗伦萨,学艺于韦罗基奥的作坊, 1472年入画家行会,70年代中期个人风格已趋成熟。1482--1499年间一直 作于米兰,主要为米兰公爵服务,进行了广泛的艺术和科学活动,《岩间圣母》是他在这段时期创作的最有名的代表作。他是一位天才,他一面热心于艺术创作和理论研究,研究如何用线条与立体造型去表现形体的各种问题;另一方面他也同时研究自然科学。
Lieaonaduo · reaches · Renqi (1452-1519) da Vinci , Leonardo Italy shoulders great reputation artist , sculptor , great master , writer of literary theory , important philosopher , poet , musician and inventor building the family , engineer , mechanic , science most in the renaissance period. He is born in Florence suburban area Renqi town , private Yu France. His father is that the lawyer is a notary public concurrently , mother is a farm woman , his 15 Luos arrive in Florence , skill-learning enters the painter guild in Weiluojiao's workshop, in 1472 , the seventies medium term individual style already tends towards maturity. 1482- - does during the 1499 years always Yu Milan , the duke serves mainly for Milan, having carried out broad art and scientific activities, "rock room Virgin Mary " is his most well-known representative work creating in this paragraph of period. He is one genius , his side studies be enthusiastic in art creation and theory, problem studying how model goes to show the shape various with the line and the body; He studies natural science on the other hand also at the same time.
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519) was an Italian polymath, being a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the renaissance man, a man whose unquenchable curiosity was equaled only by his powers of invention. He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived. Helen Gardner says "The scope and depth of his interests were without precedent...His mind and personality seem to us superhuman, the man himself mysterious and remote".