Printing refers to the use of special equipment manufacturing printing or other means will be transferred to the graphic information on substrates dedicated production equipment manufacturing activities. Printing equipment manufacturing industries bear for the publication of books, journalism, publishing, packaging and decoration, commercial printing, office printing, the financial ticket to provide equipment and other specialized departments of the mission, equipment and printed in lithography, intaglio printing, flexo printing, letterpress printing, hole printing 5 Large printing and special printing presses as a leader, driven prepress equipment and finishing equipment for common development.
China Printing Machinery Manufacturing Industry After decades of development, has reached a considerable scale, technological level has greatly improved, especially after entering the 21st century, the Chinese printing machinery manufacturing industry is switched to the fast-track development. This mainly due to the rapid development of rapid export growth, the domestic market continues to grow, high-end equipment to upgrade the level of industrialization and other aspects.
At present, China's printing machinery market has entered the "Eleventh Five-Year" new period of development. Countries in formulating macro-economic control policy, is printing machinery have a positive impact. National Development and Reform Commission published in 2008 Notice No. 11, four printing machinery standard was adopted, and since July 1, 2008 come into effect. At the same time allowed a total of 351 industry standards. Standard printer credibility enhanced, so that enterprises adopting an area of constantly expanding, thus boosting the industry as a whole product quality and technical level.
特に、 21世纪の発展を入力した后で、技术レベルはかなりの规模に达しているが大幅に向上している中国の印刷机械制造业数十年后、中国の印刷机械制造业界は、迅速な开発に移行されています。これは、急速な输出の伸びの急速な発展により、国内市场は、工业化、他の面のレベルをアップグレードするには、ハイエンド机器の成长を続けている。
现在、中国の印刷机械の市场开発の" 11次五カ年"新しい时代に入っている。国のマクロ経済管理政策策定に、机械、印刷されている肯定的な影响を及ぼす。国家発展改革委员会2008のお知らせ第11号、 4つの标准を采用した印刷机で公开し、 2008年7月1日から発効する。同时に许可された业界标准の合计351 。标准的なプリンタの信頼性のように、企业のため、全体の制品の品质と技术水准の向上は绝えず拡大し、业界としての领域を采用する可能性もあります。
특수 장비 제조 인쇄 인쇄 또는 다른 수단의 사용 방법에 대한 그래픽 정보로 전송됩니다 편집자 기판 생산 설비의 제조 활동에 헌신했다. 인쇄 장비 제조 산업의 도서, 신문, 출판, 포장 및 장식, 상업 인쇄, 사무실, 인쇄, 장비 및 임무, 장비 및 리소그래피에 인쇄된의 다른 전문 부서가 제공하는 금융 항공권의 발행에 대한 부담, 음각 인쇄, flexo 인쇄, 활자 인쇄, 인쇄 구멍 5 대형 인쇄 및 특수 인쇄를 누르면 리더로서, 그리고 마무리 장비의 일반적인 개발을위한 장비 구동 Prepress.
특히 21 세기를 입력한 후 개발의 기술 수준에 도달하고있다는 상당한 규모가 큰폭으로 개선했습니다 중국 인쇄 기계 제조 산업 수십년 후, 중국의 인쇄 기계 제조 산업은 빠르게 - 트랙 개발로 전환됩니다. 주로 수출이 급속한 성장의 급속한 발전으로 인해, 국내 시장, 산업화 및 기타 분야의 수준을 업그레이 드하는 높은 - 엔드 장비 성장을 계속하고있습니다.
현재, 중국의 인쇄 기계 시장 개발의 "'11 년도 5 -"새로운 시대로 접어 들었다. 국가 거시 경제 조절 정책을 공식화 - 기계 인쇄되는 긍정적인 영향을 미치고있다. 국가 발전 개혁위원회 2008년 공지 사항 번호 11, 4 개의 인쇄 기계 표준 채택되었다에서 출판, 2008년 7월 1일 이후 발효. 이와 동시에 허용 351 업계 표준의 총. 표준 프린터 신뢰성, 그래서 기업, 따라서 전체가 제품의 품질 및 기술 수준의 향상으로 업계의 영역을 끊임없이 확대 강화를 채택했다.
الطباعة إلى استخدام معدات خاصة صناعة الطباعة أو غيرها من الوسائل التي سيتم تحويلها إلى معلومات بيانية عن معدات إنتاج المواد مخصصة لأنشطة الصناعات التحويلية. معدات الطباعة والصناعات التحويلية تحمل لنشر الكتب والصحافة والنشر والتغليف والديكور ، والطباعة التجارية والمكاتب والطباعة ، والمالية لتوفير التذاكر وغيرها من المعدات المتخصصة والإدارات التابعة للبعثة ، والمعدات ، وتطبع في الليثوغراف ، والنقش والطباعة ، والطباعة flexo ، letterpress الطباعة ، والطباعة ثقب 5 الكبير والطباعة والمطابع الخاصة كشركة رائدة ، مدفوعة prepress المعدات والانتهاء من المعدات اللازمة لتحقيق التنمية المشتركة.
الطبعة الصينية لصناعة الماكينات والصناعة وبعد عقود من التنمية ، قد وصلت إلى نطاق واسع ، والمستوى التكنولوجي قد تحسنت كثيرا ، وخاصة بعد دخول القرن 21st ، وآلات الطباعة الصينية الصناعة التحويلية هو انتقل الى المسار السريع للتنمية. هذا ويرجع ذلك أساسا إلى التطور السريع لسرعة نمو الصادرات ، في السوق المحلية ما زالت تنمو ، وارتفاع في نهاية معدات لرفع مستوى التصنيع والجوانب الأخرى.
وفي الوقت الراهن ، في الصين سوق آلات الطباعة دخلت "الخمسية الحادية عشرة" فترة جديدة من التنمية. البلدان في صياغة سياسة ضبط الاقتصاد الكلى ، وجهاز الطباعة يكون لها أثر إيجابي. الوطنية للتنمية والاصلاح ونشر في عام 2008 لاحظ رقم 11 ، وأربع آلات الطباعة المعيار المعتمد ، ومنذ 1 يوليو 2008 حيز التنفيذ. في الوقت نفسه سمحت بما مجموعه 351 معايير الصناعة. طابعة تعزيز مصداقية القياسية ، بحيث تعتمد الشركات مجالا للتوسع مستمر ، وبالتالي تعزيز هذه الصناعة ككل ، ونوعية المنتجات والمستوى التقني.
你想要哪国语言 咱就给你哪国语言 快放不下了So咱只放纳米一点你想要啥咱就给你啥!够仗义不??!!!!!!!!!
Printing refers to the use of special equipment manufacturing printing or other means will be transferred to the graphic information on substrates dedicated production equipment manufacturing activities. Printing equipment manufacturing industries bear for the publication of books, journalism, publishing, packaging and decoration, commercial printing, office printing, the financial ticket to provide equipment and other specialized departments of the mission, equipment and printed in lithography, intaglio printing, flexo printing, letterpress printing, hole printing 5 Large printing and special printing presses as a leader, driven prepress equipment and finishing equipment for common development.
China Printing Machinery Manufacturing Industry After decades of development, has reached a considerable scale, technological level has greatly improved, especially after entering the 21st century, the Chinese printing machinery manufacturing industry is switched to the fast-track development. This mainly due to the rapid development of rapid export growth, the domestic market continues to grow, high-end equipment to upgrade the level of industrialization and other aspects.
At present, China's printing machinery market has entered the "Eleventh Five-Year" new period of development. Countries in formulating macro-economic control policy, is printing machinery have a positive impact. National Development and Reform Commission published in 2008 Notice No. 11, four printing machinery standard was adopted, and since July 1, 2008 come into effect. At the same time allowed a total of 351 industry standards. Standard printer credibility enhanced, so that enterprises adopting an area of constantly expanding, thus boosting the industry as a whole product quality and technical level.