An artist was a very kind man , although he (didn't have){not,have}much money .One day ,while he ( came ){come} home by train , he ( gave ){give} his last few coins to a beggar, but then he ( saw ){see} another one , and ( forgot ){forget} that he ( didn't have ){not,have}any more money. He ( asked ){ask} the beggar if he would like ( have ){have} lunche with him, and the beggar ( said ){say} yes happily, so they ( went ){go} into a restaurant and (had ){have} a good meal.
In the end , the artist ( didn't){not,be} pay the bill,of course, so the beggar ( had ){have}to do so. The artist ( was){be}very unhappy about this, so he (said ){say}to the beggar,"( come ){come}home with me in a taxi, my friend ,and I ( will give ){give}you back the money for lunch .""Oh,no!" the beggar ( said ){say}quickly."I( have)already ( paid ){pay}for your lunch,but I( won't pay ){not,pay}for your taxi home!"